
Saturday, February 15, 2014

Help identify this bird....

I hope this is enough for some of you birders to work with...I have seen it at my feeders and under them a few times the past couple days.  Not very often, and it doesn't stay for long.  It just flits in for a few minutes, and I do mean few...and then it is gone.
It is the one on the far side of the  cardinal.  It just does not sit still for long so no profile pic at all.  It is between the size of a house sparrow and the cardinal.  I would appreciate your best guess on what it is.  I am almost embarrassed to say what I think it might be.
As you can see, we did end up getting snow.  It snowed all day long once it started.  We probably got 6 more inches of snow, and Roger says he thinks more.  When he went out to his shop this close to noon, he had to shovel 3 or 4 inches of snow, and then had to shovel a lot more when he came in tonight.

I have wasted another day for the most part...did get a little bit of sewing done and a load of laundry finished.  And since it was too much of a mess to get out and go out to eat, I fixed fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, and green beans for our supper.  Roger loves me to fix gravy with fried chicken, but I very seldom do.

Edited to add:  Thanks to TexWisGirl!  She has identified it as a Fox Sparrow.  I think she is right! 


  1. I think I just saw this bird / went back to look this the same

  2. i forgot to click on her blog post title, Sorry : this link should work. A thrasher ? From my bird book it looks as if it could be but see here as well :)

  3. I am not familiar with it. But, it is lovely to see at your feeder.

  4. its coloration looks like a fox sparrow, but i've never seen one so have no idea how large they are. i bet eileen at viewing nature with eileen would know for sure.

  5. yup, i just looked in my guide book - fox sparrow. :)

  6. Glad you got some help with the identification.
    Pretty photos and your supper sounds delicious.
    Most of our snow has melted. Hope you have a nice day, Rose.

  7. I have never seen a Fox Sparrow, but it is sure is pretty!

  8. i knew Tex would know.. he is a cute little brown and white bird to me.. your dinner sounds fantastic, that is what mother cooked a lot of

  9. I'm glad you were able to get any shot of this illusive bird. He/she has a great name.

  10. Don't know what kind of bird, but it sure is pretty.

  11. Very pretty little bird. Some kind of Sparrow but you knew that already. thanks to TexWis Girl. Nice shots too.

    Come on out and we will walk the dock together. MB

  12. At first I was going to say a Brown Thrasher but I think they are a little bigger than this one. then TexWis Girl came up with the Fox Sparrow. I am still learning and love blogging for exactly this reason, you learn. Great photos of your birds. We've got snow here too.

  13. Pretty Fox Sparrow! They are great yardbirds! Happy weekend!

  14. I would have said some kind of Thrasher too but Eileen and Tex know their birds so Fox Sparrow it is! I like its sweet look!

    Thank you for visiting me . . . I look forward to the sock stories!

  15. Tex is your girl to identify birds!

  16. Glad TexWisGirl was able to figure it out for you.

  17. Must be fried chicken weather. I cooked some, too, yesterday. So good.

    I like your little bird. His coat looks like marble cake.

  18. I'm so helpful. It looks like a bob o'white, which of course it isn't and I don't even know if that's a real bird, but that's what came into my head like I'm an bird expert. HA!

    My grandmother called them LGBs: little gray birds...even the brown ones.

  19. I agree with Fox Sparrow. I used to see one occasionally. They are so reddish, it really sets them apart from any other I usually see.


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