
Friday, February 7, 2014

Random 5 Friday

We saw the above down at Little Nashville a two or three month ago...just thought I would pop it in here since I had nothing planned to post.

Supposed to stay bitter is -6ºF as I type...and supposed to have bitter wind chill temps tomorrow.  I doubt I get out and do anything.

Well, it is time for Random 5 thoughts..

1.  Can you believe Lorelei will be 5 years old this month?  I can hardly believe it.  The time has gone by too fast.

2. We watched Jay Leno for the last will be a while before I watch the Tonight Show again.  It just takes a while to be ready for someone new.  I was the same way when Johnny Carson left and Jay took was a while before I could watch and accept him.  I am going to miss seeing him and Terry Bradshaw together. We always knew we were going to be laughing if Terry was going to be on.

3.  I got my new glasses...the frames need adjusting.  I knew they fit a bit snug when I got them, but did not realize just how bad.  So that means I have to get back to Terre Haute soon.  Hoping I can do that next week.   Thy are so different to anything I have worn.  I cannot get used to seeing myself in them.

4.  Every time my brother and I talk on the phone, we talk about food.  Food we ate as we like we want to try.  He always ends the conversation with  "I'm guess I better hang up...I want to read a little bit and I know you want to find something to eat---I wouldn't want you to starve to death."

5  My mom used to say if you haven't ever made a mistake, you haven't ever done anything.  Well, I must have done a lot cause I have made a lot of mistakes!

With that, I am linking to Nancy's Random 5 Friday!


  1. You are such an interesting person. Oh I know you probably don't think so but.....yes you are.

    That is snow--wind-blown snow. It was up on Mt. baker. Well last night the mountains got bunches of snow so they are all white clean looking and all the lower mountains and hills around them are covered with snow. None here though but the forecast is maybe a dribble by the weekend. Seeing is believing. MB

  2. #5....your mom is wise! :)

    Deb from Homespun and Frugal Little Bungalow :) Have a good weekend! :)

  3. Lorelei will be five? Really?? That's amazing!

    It always takes me awhile to get used to seeing myself in new glasses too.

  4. It's my first Random 5, so lovely to 'meet' you, and learnt a bit about your life :)

  5. That one...#4 made me smile. To have such a good relationship with a brother is awesome.

  6. Oh your Mom gave wise words.
    I talk with my brother about food just like you I have no idea why maybe because as kids we were always hungry:)

  7. I so agree with your mom on mistakes. :)

    Thanks for joining in R5F this week, Rose.

  8. i love Jim Fallon & i can't wait for him to take over. he is hilarious!! can't wait for Seth Meyers to take over Jimmy's old job. but i understand not liking change ... hoping you will find something else to watch? or enjoy?! ( :

  9. I like Jimmy Fallion so I think it will be good. That being said we are never awake that long at night.

  10. I forgot about last night being Jay's last show. Wish I'd watched.

    Have a nice Friday and stay warm!

  11. Time does fly. Mistakes mean we are living and trying again ... yes?! Wise Mom. I need to see about having some glasses made -- you reminded me. I feel asleep watching Jay's last show -- good night, Jay! Happy Friday and stay warm.

  12. I couldn't even watch the last episode with Jay Leno even though I was up late--which is rare. I am not good at "good-byes".

  13. i am with you on the lot of mistakes... good you get to talk to your brother, i talk once a month to my brothers wife but to him about 3 times in 10 years.

  14. Sounds like you have a wonderful relationship with your brother!

  15. A fine shot of this motorbike. I liked your five. Now to think what I might post! Hmmmmm.

  16. I agree with your mom. Five is a great age...I am sure you will have so many fun days with Loreli...she is so bright. I will miss Jay Leno...I like Jimmy Fallon but I like Jay's more laid back style. I look forward to Seth Meyer. Loves his smile. Can you tell i have trouble sleeping LOL

  17. That is an interesting motor bicycle?
    We are thankful here to have temps in the 60s-we won't have too many more of those left before it is hot and humid. I used to live in the Midwest and remember the cold temps well. I keep telling folks here that if we would just have one good 2-3 weeks of constant cold those annoying bugs and gnats would be killed, but I can't get them to agree with me!

  18. Cool Cycle! And Lorelei's going to be five? Wow! Our little Zaeya is going to be three in April. Where does the time go!!

  19. I LOL'ed at you and your brother's conversations ... that's great!!!!
    Have an enjoyable weekend.
    diane @ thoughts and shots

  20. Boy, howdy! Have I done a lot according to your mother! I love that! Isn't it weird how new glasses just change everything? I'd better go now, I wouldn't want you to starve to death.

  21. What a fun set of random thoughts.
    Cool looking bike.
    Yes time does fly and kids grow up way to quickly.
    Lucky you that your brother calls, mine hardly ever call me.
    Hope you get your glasses adjusted soon. I got new ones this year and had them adjusted 2-3 times and still don't think they are right.
    What a fun saying your mother had. I think it's true.

  22. Five is such a fun age! I can't remember the last time I saw Leno - way past my bedtime :-/ have a great weekend!

  23. It truly is hard to believe that Lorelei will be five. Are you sure she didn't skip a year or two? I hope you get some warmer weather soon.

  24. Brr it's so cold but here in the UK rain,rain and more rain , have a great weekend.

  25. Your Mom is a smart lady - love talking about food - awesome photo of the bike. Stay warm and have a great weekend. Margie

  26. Enjoyable as usual! What kind of glasses did you get?

  27. I enjoyed reading your random 5 And I loved your photo. I watched Jay Leno as well. But I still think no one will be as good as Johnny Carson.


  28. I don't talk to my brother enough, but he is good about food. If he says something is good and I ought to try it, I will. He was always cooking something when I was a kid.


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