
Thursday, May 8, 2014

A successful day...

Just had to post something bright and cheerful...but my wisteria is not this far along this year.  The above was taken April 24, 2012.  The bloom pods have not even begun to open up yet this year.  I suppose the long, cold winter is responsible for the lateness.
Last year, we had to drive all over creation to find Brandywine tomatoes.  My sister-in-law/best friend told me about them three or four years ago.  I have been in love with them ever since. They have the taste that I remember from childhood.  I can close my eyes when eating one and almost feel like I am sitting on the front porch of my childhood home eating it.

So, even though I was dreading it, I was all set for us to have to hunt far and wide to find them.  But we went out to our local greenhouse and there they were.  I don't know why I didn't take photos of them.  They have bigger leaves than most tomato plants...look much more like a potato plant.   Anyway, we got a dozen of them and I got four of Better Boys....I want to find some other tomatoes that I like besides the Brandywine.

I love Supersonics, but the core of them just stays green for so I have been trying to get away from getting them all the time.  But this will be the first year in probably over 15 or 20 years that we have not planted some of them.

I did get the quilting done on the quilt, and I trimmed it...about half the time I put the binding on the first time around before I trim it, but I am starting to definitely like trimming it first and then putting the binding on.

Anyway, always feel better when I accomplish something.

And tomorrow Tootie will get here...Sarah says she done wants to spend more than one untelling how long she will want to be here.  The bad thing is it is supposed to start raing on Sunday and be rainy for 3 or 4 days.


  1. I have never heard of these tomatoes, and now I will be hunting everywhere for them!! We usually buy the heirloom at the grocery store, since I read that they have more nutrients than most others.

  2. My mom always planted brandywine tomatoes. They are delish! Beautiful flower!

  3. I am definitely cheered by that Wisteria - it's gorgeous. Have a wonderful weekend and Mother's Day!

  4. Last year's flowers are beautiful. I found the discussion of tomato species very interesting. The new-to-you tomato sounds very good.

  5. Your Wisteria, now that's a gorgeous bloom and a lovely photograph. You have given me an education on tomatoes. If I ever start growing them again I will have to check those two you like. I love home grown tomatoes, nothing like them for taste.

  6. Successful day are oh so wonderful!

  7. I would love to try those tomatoes...going to jot the name down right now....

  8. You have a lovely blog Rose. Thank you for stopping by and visiting my blog. I am your newest follower!

  9. Your image is absolutely perfect - even more so when clicked to enlarge! I have a weakness for purple flowers anyway, so this really appeals to me.

    Gonna keep my eyes peeled for those tomatoes. I'm the only one who eats them at our house. Do you make (can/put up) your own tomato soup?

    Good luck with the weather. I just had to check the forecast - you're right - going to be a soggy week.


  10. Most of my blooms / bushes are behind here ( Wastern PA ) as well :)

  11. what beautiful blooms on the wisteria even if it is from a previous year. hope it blooms that good this year despite the harsh winter. hope you enjoy your tomatoes and your granddaughter's visit. good to see you back to blogging again too. have a great day~

  12. Beautiful. wisteria 2012 . . .
    Everything is 3-4 weeks late around here.

  13. What a pretty bloom.
    Fresh Tomatoes are so yummy. We didn't plant any this year as there are so many at local Farmers Markets that it's easier just to buy them then to try and grow them. We like Beef Steaks as they are large and firm when ripe. I don't like a mushy texture to my tomato.

  14. We cannot even think of planting tomatoes here for another week or two! Risk of frost is too great and this year it seems even worse.

  15. I have not had luck with tomatoes at this house. It's been 10 years now. I just planted one last night, so we'll see if this is the year.


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