
Thursday, June 5, 2014

Does this bring back memories

Remember when it seemed like winter was going to last forever?   I wonder how cold it is to ride in an open buggy like this in winter.  This one was taken December 8, 2013.
We are having a beautiful day so far.  No humidity to speak of.  Specially when compared to the past few days.  We are headed to Walmart and maybe to a couple junk shops.  We want to get out while the getting out is good.
They did call about the pathology reports....both spots she removed were basal cell.  It is usually not dangerous, so just going on with life.  I do know though that soon as these are healed I am going back to have a couple more removed.  One of them I just forgot to point out to her, the other I had never noticed cause it was so close to one of the ones I had removed. 


  1. A fine, cold looking shot of this buggy on the highway. It's interesting that the driver keeps partially off the road as vehicles pass. That's probably the safe thing to do.

  2. Always love seeing the Amish traveling down the road. This is a pretty scene.

    Glad they called you back so quick with your path report. Now just heal up and get those other two taken care of. :) Thank you for reminding us all how important it is to get a skin exam done.


  3. Now that's the way to travel! Cool photo, Rose. Getting you're getting the spots removed.

  4. Brrrr---that would be COLD riding in that buggy!!!! BUT--I'm sure they are used to it.

    Glad your mole report came out good.. But--it's important for you to stay on top of all of them. I am lucky not to have any.

    We finally got some rain last night--not a lot but some. We are dry and need it!


  5. Okay, now I remember why I wasn't going to complain about the heat. Love this shot! Glad you are getting the spots removed.

  6. Love your photo. There aren't any Amish in these parts, but we do see them sometimes on our trips to Ohio. It's raining cats and dogs here today. Glad you got good news on your spot removal!

  7. I love this photo, Rose. I've always loved visiting the Amish country and while I don't think I could live without my electricity or a car for transportation, I really admire them. I know they are used to that way of life, but it sure looks cold in that buggy! Wonder if they heat bricks or something to keep their feet warm?

  8. Now you are on the right track, Rose. Get those little boogers cut off. Seems like every other year, I have a new crop of them.

  9. I'm glad you got a good report. Take care of yourself and enjoy your day...hope it's nice and warm! Hugs!

  10. It is a beautiful day here, too! And your awesome picture is pretty much timeless. I am gad you will be following up with the dermatologist.

  11. I am so glad your biopsy report was a good one!

  12. That is a lovely shot. We never had much of a winter out here this year--er--last year--whatever. But it does seem like spring will never show up and now we are having summer weather. Summer for us is 74 degrees. Just right. LOL
    Glad you got a good report. MB

  13. Oh I bet it would be mighty chilly in a buggy on a cold winter's day. Lots of blankets would be needed for warmth.
    Glad to hear you got a good report.

  14. Love this picture. Glad you got a clean bill of health.
    We rarely get humidity here. Dry, dry, dry.

  15. Shhhhhh . . . not yet!
    (Really great photo . . .)

  16. You are smart to get out when the weather is nice. I'm glad the report from your doctor was a good one.

  17. yes, i didn't think winter would ever leave, sigh... but so thankful for these warmer days we've had... hope you have a great time shopping around. i didn't know you had a worry about some spots but so glad to hear they weren't to worry about and could be removed safely. good luck with the removal of the other spots. have a great day~

  18. So glad your reports were good.
    I am just dying to go to Amish country sometime.

  19. O, and I am following you thru Google Friend Connect..:)

  20. Winter. Bah. Who needs it? It's gorgeous here, too.

    So glad you are getting more removed, even if they are not dangerous.

  21. I'm glad nothing was wrong with the spots you had removed. Love the photo, by the way! I could use some of that chilly air right about now! :-)

  22. I image it is nippy in that buggy in the winter. I'm obviously behind and didn't know you were having some skin cells removed, but am glad all was OK!

  23. glad to hear your spot was OK...I wonder how handicap, or elder Amish get around?


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