
Monday, June 2, 2014


First, and before I say anything else, I want to say that the photo of Lo and her daddy in the rain was taken by Sarah.  I meant to give that credit when I posted it and got in a hurry and forgot

Now, first I will show you my current quilt top I am is not going to be even a twin size.  It will be more like a couch size...
I have a good start on it...I just need to take it down to the cutting board and square up the edges.
There will be a strip of fabric that goes between the sections.  I have not chosen the fabric yet.  And I still need to put the half square triangles on each corner of the main section. 
I went to the dermatologist today...she removed one mole and another spot that she said was basal cell cancer.   But that was just from her looking at it through magnification.  Will wait and see what pathology has to say before I feel sure that is all it is...not that it isn't enough.  I should have went long ago but I kept waiting for other things to calm down.  If I had known how simple it would be, I would have went long ago.  


  1. Phil had basal cell on his neck. He wouldn't have gone to the dermatologist at all if I hadn't made him. I'm so glad you finally went. Love the quilt, perfect for watching T.V. on the couch.

  2. The quilt is going to be perfect for couch sitting. Are you going to use a solid color for the strips? I would use bright red--LOL MB

  3. Hopefully, you are in the clear with the skin cancer. And I have to say that I am so impressed with the talented folks who quilt. This is just marvelous. Beautiful. Remember to show us the finished piece!

  4. Skin cancer for me, twice now. Glad you had yours checked. Always important! Your quilt will be perfect for couch use and I really like the mix of colors.

  5. I'm glad you got to the dermatologist took care of the potential problem.

  6. I'm glad you got to the doctor. The quilt is lovely. I think a bold color stripe will look nice.

  7. Glad you got those moles take care of... I think we ALL wait to have little things (which sometimes are NOT little things) checked out... You should have done it sooner--but don't punish yourself. You DID it. That is what matters... Hugs and Prayers.

    Beautiful quilt top.

  8. Glad you had the moles taken care of. Sometimes the dread is worse than the actual event.
    Love your colorful quilt; you do beautiful work.

  9. Beautiful quilt! I love the colors. Glad you went to the Dermatologist. It was a wise move.

  10. I'm glad you got the moles taken care of and I pray that the labs come back good. Your quilt top is beautiful and colorful!

  11. Just remember that 99 percent of skin cancer is curable. I know that I do more than my share in keeping my dermatologist in business. Blond hair and freckles. Perfect storm.

  12. I have a mole that itches that my seem Dr will look at next month's appt.
    Always lovely quilting and couch size sounds perfect.

  13. Your couch quilt is lovely! I'm glad you took care of that mole! Yep, sometimes having medical procedures done is way simpler than we think it will be. :)

  14. So colorful! That will be nice on the couch.

    Prayers for a good path report. :)


  15. Love the quilt top! I'm working on a bunch of 4-patches.....have probably 100+. I hope to get a couple of quilt tops of some size out of them. Probably set similar to this. I may not put them on point. Will think about that. I need a background fabric because they are very scrappy like these blocks of yours and I have nothing that will go with them.

  16. The colors in your quilt are beautiful, Rose. You've done such a nice job. Are you thinking of red for the strips? I think it would be very pretty. I'm praying your pathology report comes back benign. Hugs ~ Nancy


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