
Wednesday, July 23, 2014

First of all....

First of all, I wondered is blogger slow for any of the rest of you?  Here the past few days, sometimes when I click to comment, I will have to wait and wait.  Sometimes, I have to click two or three times for it to ever pop up.  And each time I wait a bit...not like I click and click and click.  I click and wait...finally will 'x' out of it, then click again and wait and wait.

Then there is the issue of it taking forever for the editor to load.  Maybe not forever, but it is slow.  I have not seen anyone mention this lately, so I wondered if I was the only person having these issues.  I did see others having issues a while back, but I did not have any to speak of at that time.
One of my day lilies.  I remember I used to not care for these at all, and now I just love them.  They come in such a variety of colors.  I think I need to separate some of mine.  It is just a matter of looking up when is the best time.

I am sitting here watching the birds...they are after the sunflowers now.  I am wondering if the seed are any good cause they are not after them as they normally are.  One year I raised some of the big headed sunflowers, and the seeds did not have anything in them.  I did not plant these, they grew from the seeds the birds dropped.

I am running late with this.  Running late this morn.  I need to get off here and get ready for this day.  It looks like rain, so I won't be hanging out any clothes.  I guess I will be forced to sew, which is what I did a lot of the time yesterday.  


  1. I love the color of these daylilies. So pretty.

    I've never grown any sunflowers.

    Hope you have a nice afternoon of sewing.

  2. p.s. blogger does seem slow to me, also but better than it was for a while.

  3. These are pretty lilies. Nice shot of them.

  4. absolutely gorgeous flowers and yes yes yes the dreaded blogger is acting up... i tried to upload photos in the past 3 days and sometimes had to walk away and do it later and it is sitting and spinning until i want to scream...

  5. Yeah my computer seems slow too. Has been for awhile I have learned to live with it I guess.
    Raining here---haven't had any rain for awhile. Had some thunder and lightning too. Good it will water all my containers and baskets. HA!!!

  6. Oh I meant to say that last year was the first time in a long time that I planted Sunflowers. I planted some chocolate Sunflowers this year and also had volunteers come up. I like volunteers. MB

  7. Your day lilies are gorgeous. I love that color. We've been on vacation the last five days so I haven't been on the computer. Blogger seems to be having issue lately though.

  8. Big, pink, frilly, and beautiful!!! Sorry, I have not had this blog problem. Blogger seems to act up for different groups of people at different times. It has mysterious ways.

  9. Your lilies are a gorgeous color. I keep saying I will have to get some planted in our garden. I have fallen in love with them too. I also love sunflowers. Not having any trouble with blogger at the moment, keeping fingers crossed here as have in the past. I think they just have to work through those kinks :)

  10. A few weeks ago I waited forever for a comment to show it was published, so I kept clicking on publish, and then would get frustrated and go out of it, then it showed it posted my comment several times! Your Day Lilies are gorgeous!

  11. Back again to thank you for your visit and kind words on my father-in-law's D-Day post Rose. Heartwarming and very much appreciated.

  12. those are pretty Rose! The color matches your name.

  13. And rain it did!

    I am having trouble commenting on some Blogger blogs but haven't had any issues with yours. The others are VERY slow and I get so tired of the spinning circle. After I finish commenting on a few more blogs, I'm going to run Malwarebytes and AVG, then shut down for awhile. I think my computer gets slow when I leave it on for too long.

    Your day lilies are so pretty - I love the color!


  14. Blogger ALWAYS acts up for me. Always slow to upload pics if at all. I think it's my internet.
    Day lilies are very pretty.
    I hung sheets out this am. Took me down before we went to move bulls. Good thing, we got 3 tents of an inch of rain! Gusty gusty winds and thunder and lightning! Awesome.

  15. I have recently noticed a huge delay on Blogger on downloading photos but thought it was because I had switched from a laptop to a tablet. Maybe not, because some days are better than others.

  16. That's a beautiful photo of your lily, Rose! It's such a pretty color.

    I have been having problems with my comments getting published. I will write out my comment and hit Send and think it's sent, but sometimes it has not gone through. I'm trying to watch carefully, because I don't want my blog friends to think I'm ignoring them! I know I've missed catching some. I've had this problem for about 3 weeks now and I had a few bloggers say the same thing is happening to them. Hope Blogger gets all these problems fixed soon!

    Take care and enjoy the rest of your week! It's going by fast, isn't it?

  17. Yes, Blogger seems MUCH slower lately especially when trying to post a comment. I wait and wait --and it won't show you anything telling you whether it's working or not... Drives me crazy. That's why I hit publish several times... Gads!!!!

    Love your Daylilies. We too enjoy the daylilies.. They are G's favorites --out of lilies or daylilies. I prefer the lilies myself although I love both.


  18. I have not only birds but squirrels eating the sunflowers and they are not even fully seeded yet! seems they like the petals too :)

  19. I love daylilies! They are so bold and colourful.

    Yes, Blogger has been slow. It might be because it's summer ans many people have so much to post right now.

  20. Slow for me too . . .
    Pretty lilies . . .

  21. I didn't like day lilies, but I do now. I wish I had some, but the clay in my yard makes my desire to garden disappear.

  22. Beautiful daylilies and image.. Blogger can be a little slow at times.


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