
Saturday, July 26, 2014

Goldfinches...hanging around

I guess the little sunflowers are maturing...

the goldfinches are starting to hang around...

Right side up....

And upside down.

I would love to have a birdbath for them but our Puss Puss would commit murder too often then.  She is the little huntress of the the three cats.  She gets out there and hides, and lays waiting.

I talked to one of my friends the other day...I had not talked to her in a while, but had ran down to take her a couple of tomatoes from our garden.  It was late evening and she was so sound asleep she did not hear me when I knocked on the door two or three times, nor when I walked in and set the tomatoes down.

She has two girl kitties.  Neither are lap cats...they won't let me near them.  Neither of them even like to sit in her lap, but one of them does come and get in bed with her when she goes to bed.

She has a cat door for them till they can come and go as they please.  She was telling me that the other night before I was down there, she had went to bed and went to sleep.  About 3:00a.m. they woke her up coming in...they came to her bedroom just meowing to each other and went under the bed.  Which was weird.  Then they started growling at each other.

So she rolled over, and I assume turned on a light.  They came out from under her bed and one of them had a bird.  Alive.  So she jumps up and takes it away from them...and while holding it in one hand, had to get her clothes on with the other.  Then took it out to behind her house to set it free.  (she shut their cat door till the kitties could not get back out.)  I got so tickled when she told  me all of that.

She said they were always bringing her things...that this was the 7th bird this summer, besides, moths, butterflies and a dragonfly....


  1. Oh my gosh, kind of like a live nightmare. Your goldfinch on the sunflower pictures are divine!!!

  2. yowsa. cats in the night would drive me nuts but cats bring live birds is even worse.. we can't have bird feeders because of Jake. we do have a bird bath but no one visits it. Jake is in control of the yard. he brings live possums to Bob.. yikes.. but not in the house

  3. OH! I love your photos of the goldfinch on the sunflower! I would not be happy if a cat brought a bird into my bedroom in the middle of the night. Your neighbour thought quickly to capture it and then release it!

  4. That second photo is a prize winner in my book . . .
    I thought the story would end by finding a mouse or mire under the bed . . .

  5. Love your upside down birdies!

    What would life be without cat drama? They sure keep us entertained.

  6. I like your shots of the gold finch...especially the one hanging upside down. The kitty and bird store was interesting. I'm glad the bird survived that traumatic experience.

  7. I like your shots of the gold finch...especially the one hanging upside down. The kitty and bird store was interesting. I'm glad the bird survived that traumatic experience.

  8. You got lots closer than me. They kept flying away instead of letting me sneak up on them. Wonderful shots!

  9. Cute story but not what I would want the cat to bring to me in bed.

    We have had zillions of Goldfinches here all Spring and summer. We feed them of course but they are a delight to watch. So pretty too. MB

  10. I must say that is one lucky bird to still be alive...poor thing. Your photo's of the gold finch are wonderful...I think they are such beautiful birds. I do not see many around where I live.

  11. Glad the Goldfinches are enjoying the Sunflowers... Great pictures --especially the upside down ones.

    Funny story about your neighbor and her cats.... I remember when my dog (Cocker Spaniel) caught a Mourning Dove once and brought it to me. I FREAKED... ha


  12. I have goldfinches. I have sunflowers. I want to see this happen at my house!

  13. Funny story about the cats! :-) Your goldfinch shots are wonderful!

  14. I love the upside down shots. What a funny story about your friend.

  15. Cats just trying to provide a meal for the family! lol!

    Your goldfinches are stunning!


  16. Oh wow- I'll bet that gave her a wild awakening! Your goldfinch shots are cute..I think they will do anything for a seed or two!

  17. They are such fun to watch :-) Great photos. I've avoided getting a cat flap for the reasons you mention. I would be afraid of other visitors coming in along with the cat.

  18. Your finch photos are lovely / mine are hanging around the sunflowers now as well.

    My kitty is indoors only but long ago I had cats that went in and out and brought gifts / UGH!


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