
Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Not much happening here...

This particular day lily is blooming and blooming and blooming!  It is funny how a person changes...I did not used to care much for them and just over the past few years, I have grown to love them.

The coneflowers are doing wonderful...not seeing very many insects on them, though.

We had temps in the 70's today!  And the humidity was not bad...and tomorrow is supposed to be more of the same.   This evening I was trying to sit outside to finish reading a book, and it actually got so cool that I had to come inside.

I did finally finish the book....The Thin Black Line.  About a boy leaving to go to the Klondike gold rush.  He meets and makes friends on the steamship on the way there.  I am not going to go into details.  But will say for some reason it was just a strange is fiction and just never did really ring true to me.  So not recommending it, but if anyone else reads it or has read it, I would love to hear someone else's views on it.


  1. Your lily macro is so perfect that I think I could feel the texture through the screen. Today was almost 100! We had to keep the drapes closed.

  2. I;m a big fan of daylilies and think I need to divide a few so they'll bloom in more places around my yard, They are bold and colourful.

    I dislike books that don't ring true so I think I'll pass on this one.

  3. i would love to have cone flowers. i have only seen them in photos and i love them. send us a few of your cool degrees please

  4. Fine pictures of these two pretty blossoms. I like the sharp detail and the rich color.

  5. I am like you--- didn't use to like day lilies or even Oriental and Asiatic but now I do. Maybe because Bob has quite a few in his gardens and by golly they are quite lovely. My Cone Flowers are all budded but will be blooming maybe in a week or so. We seem to be a bit later for some things out here.

  6. Those are amazing closeups! Have a nice day!

  7. Hi There, Just stopping by to say "Happy 4th of July".... Hope you have an incredible weekend whether you are traveling, with family or friends --or like us, just enjoying being home! We hope to grill a couple of steaks tomorrow. Our weather here is awesome right now...God Bless American --and God Bless YOU.

    I'm one who LOVES Day lilies --especially the re-bloomers. AND--I also don't care much for coneflowers... But--yours is pretty.


  8. Oh, now you have me getting excited about my coneflowers. I so can't wait until they are blooming.

  9. I have not read that book, but your flower photos are just gorgeous!!


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