
Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The gift of the bean seed....

Earlier this year I ran across this post at Frugal Little Bungalow Small Space Living....and I commented on it.  She was kind enough to share and this is the result.
I am not showing the Hyacinth bean plant--it is growing wild and I love that part.  But there is something eating on all the leaves.  I have dusted it with Sevins and it does not seem to slow it down.
And yes, these are all from the same plant.  I don't know if they varied colors has to do with the age of the bloom or the amount of light they get or what.
But every day I go out there and look at it and admire its loveliness, and I think of Deb!


  1. It is quite lovely, and looks almost oriental!

  2. truly beautiful and I have never seen one before. what a gift..

  3. I think these beans have such lovely blossoms. I have planted them but our season here is shorter than yours so they bloom for a very short time before succumbing to frost.

  4. Such a thoughtful gift that just keeps on giving! Lovely!

  5. Don't ya just love volunteers. I guess that's what you are saying my it's being wild. Looks like a sweet pea. MB

  6. No, not a was a gift from Deb at the Frugal Little Bungalo....she sent me the seed.

  7. The flowers are so pretty. I really like all the colors.

  8. AH yours are doing so nicely! :) Mine look like this as well with the varied colors ...aren't they pretty / I know I'll want to grow them every year now! :)

  9. Varied shades of color on one plant - so pretty! I really love that deep pinkish-purple, though. So nice of her to share. :)



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