
Friday, September 12, 2014

Will Nilly Friday 5

1. How about a song and a photo....first the photo.  This is what I think of when I think of clear, blue skies.  Which incidentally have clouds in them.  But it is the clearness of the air I notice.  When colors are more saturated, and you get that feeling you could see forever.

And this is another song from Crosby, Stills, Nash, & Young.  One of my favorites.

2.  We had a neighbor that lived to the south of us several years ago.  I was probably in my late 30's or early 40's, and she was well into her 70's.  She loved Neil Young/Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young.  They seem to be a group that are timeless.  One of my daughters likes some of their stuff.

3.  This has been a hard week...

4.  Does anyone besides me seem to live wishing their life away?  Wanting certain dates to just be done and over with.  Things you dread.  I have gotten better about that than I used to be.  If things are months away, I can tell myself I am not going to worry about it till the week before, and can manage to push the worries away that way.

5.  What are your feelings about people that join link-ups but don't get to visit other participants?  If I know for sure I won't get to visit, I usually don't join.  But sometimes I join, and then don't have the time to visit.   Then I suffer guilt.

And speaking of link-ups, if you were one that linked to the Barn Charm meme, you might want to check out what your links connect to now.  I went through and 'broke' the connection to all the links I could find on my blogs.  If I had linked to a specific Barn Charm post, I got 'this page is not here' but if it was just to the blog in general, it was something you might find objectionable.

Linking to and hoping to get in several visits to
Willy Nilly Friday Five


  1. You photo does look like the air is perfectly clear.
    I like that song too. It reminds me of Natures Way by Spirit.

  2. Those clouds are out of this world. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  3. That's why I haven't been joining in blog memes, I just don't have the time to visit. I saw that about the barn charm links. That's a good idea, I think I'll go and break all the links for each post.

  4. I have finally gotten to a point in my life where I don't anticipate anything... just enjoy day to day living. It's easier.

  5. I feel that same feeling you mention. when the sky is so clear and sharp there is a feeling that goes with it. and that is the time to take photos... when it feels sharp and clear the photos are to.
    about the link guilt... i rarely join links, but do a few... out of maybe 60 people who linked, i will get 5 or 6 to visit. that means lots of people link but don't visit all of them. that is one of the reasons i don't do memes... it makes blogging work.. not fun.. wonder what happened with the barn charm thing

  6. The memes are really kind of fun, as they stimulate ideas on what to write about. I'll have to look up how to break a link, in case I need to, but wasn't on the barn charm thingy. Thanks for your thoughts.

  7. I love this sky picture. It doesn't get much better than this. I'm sorry to hear you had a hard week -- hopefully this coming week will be much better.

  8. I really like your picture of the cloud filled, but very clear shot. We get that once in a while and I like it so much. Nice post.

  9. We'll be back to blue skies only soon. Still getting some pretty white clouds, but that won't last long. I too dread certain dates....I worried about something happening yesterday. I've worried about something happening on other specified dates too, and I get "down" about it for days, even weeks before. We just live in such an evil world and there's a lot going on right now that is so disturbing. I am so thankful for every day that comes that is a good day! But I do know exactly what you mean.

    Not as sure about the Barn Charm posts. Are you saying that someone hacked the pictures and are using them in some way? They are pictures of barns. How do you "break through" I go back to the old meme site to see this? Thanks.

  10. Rose...I think I understand what you are talking about. I just checked out the old site for Bluff Area Daily and it is now connected to something by a similar name. This isn't the fault of the original blog owner (who I know fairly well) but the fault of the computer. The name isn't exactly the same, but the server connected to it because it was a similar name. Once I incidentally wrote the name of my blog url incorrectly, hitting a comma where a dot was supposed to be, and the person who was trying to look at my site ended up on a porn site! It was very embarrassing! But, domain names are to be exact. The fact that blogger is allowing this similarly named site to come up when you click on Bluff Area Daily is poor business practice on their part. At least they warn you before you go on. Still, it shouldn't happen at all.

  11. I enjoy doing memes and would join more if I could. I have to admit though, I don't visit all who link because I just physically can't keep up. Hopefully people understand we can just do what we can. I make a point to visit those who comes to my blog because they are usually blogging friends I see often and it is also enjoyable visiting them and also meeting new people. How do you break links? Hope next week is a better one for you, so sorry this has been a tough week.

  12. Love your photo where those clouds go on forever and I also enjoyed the song. Crosby, Stills and Nash make wonderful music.

  13. Your picture is so pretty! I also like to worry about stuff until the last minute, but sometimes is more stress for not planning! :) I love to link up! I visit as much as I can, and like to return all comments. But for sure I'm unable to visit all of them, I hope they understand.

  14. I had totally forgotten abut this song! it is wonderful!! Long live C,S,N, and sometimes Y!! I never do link ups and now I am glad! What a perfect picture and song to go with it! I, like you, try very hard to live in the present. That is the only way we can live fully. Appreciate the day for what it is. Paul tells us to run the race and don't look forward or backward. HARD, isn't it?

  15. oh that photo is beautiful rose! i'm guilty of wishing my life away too. i have to learn to appreciate the moment i am in. it is hard to remember! i miss barn charm and kept tricia's blog in my sidebar but noticed she had been hacked when it became active and the photo was a naked woman! yikes. i deleted it but didn't think about going and cancelling my links. thanks for the idea! i too try to visit everyone when i join a blog hop. sometimes time gets away from me and i am not able to but i always intend to and most times get around to it eventually! i've missed visiting all the one's i've joined this week but still plan to get to them! i admit though that when i visit a blog over and over and comment over and over and they never once come to mine and leave me a comment, but i've seen them comment all around on other blogs it kind of turns me off. i wonder what is wrong with me and it makes me think i am just bothering them for commenting to them so i will eventually stop visiting. i understand being busy and give plenty of time but then i also don't want to be annoying if they don't like me! have a great weekend and thank you for linking!!

  16. Yes I love those type of clear blue skies even though there are clouds in them. They just seem more special. You have made me find a new found love for CSNY music. I must get some more for my CD collection.
    I love doing different Memes, as you can tell if you visit my blog. Sometimes it is hard to visit others blogs and comments. If I have time I will visit all who particpate. If it's a huge group of people though I will visit the 5 people before and the 5 people after my link and anyone who comments on my post.
    I hope you have a better week next week. I try to take life one day at a time.

  17. Beautiful photo, Rose. The clarity is wonderful.

    Hope next week is better for you.

  18. Lovely sky! I do love the clouds in the blue sky. We have been having just blue skies as of late. I'll take because I know the gray November days will be here soon.
    I don't worry about much---I just figure what will happen will happen. I just try to be on time when I should be.
    I'll have to check out Tricia's old blog and see what's up.
    Don't work so hard. MB

  19. Love the cloud photo and your thought . . .
    So true . . . like see forever . . .

  20. I'm sorry you had a hard week, Rose. I hope next week is much, MUCH better!


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