
Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Thistle and a memory

Never can resist thistle....I don't remember ever seeing it as big in Tennessee.  But back then I may not have noticed the beauty of it.  Then again, maybe it didn't get as tall as around here.

One thing I am simply amazed at is in Tennessee, morning glories were as much a pest, as they were flowers.  Don't get me wrong, my mom usually grew some as flowers.  But oh, what a pest in the garden and in the tobacco and corn!   They would take over a garden if left alone.  I would love to know the reason for the difference.

I was watching an old episode of Friends the other night.  In it Chandler and Joey had a little butting of heads over who had the right to sit in a chair.

I had not thought of it in years, but we used to get in arguments similar to this when we were kids.  I don't know why we argued over a seat...but I can so remember arguing about a place being 'my seat'--I can remember saying 'Mom, make him move.  I was sitting there.'   I think mom ignored us when it came to that stuff.  And I can't remember why we would argue over a seat, unless it was us wanting a seat at the end of the couch.  I don't even remember which brother I argued with...and actually think some of them would claim a seat as theirs, too.


  1. LOVE that thistle photo . . .
    Gosh you are good!

  2. LOVE that thistle photo . . .
    Gosh you are good!

  3. That thistle shot is beautiful. What a nice shot of it too.

  4. That thistle shot is beautiful. What a nice shot of it too.

  5. That thistle shot is beautiful. What a nice shot of it too.

  6. That thistle shot is beautiful. What a nice shot of it too.

  7. Empty fields here are full of Thistles and the breeze is blowing their seeds everywhere. As for the Morning glories or Bindweed as some call it---well it can grow up a huge tree and cover everything. No good but pretty. I grow an annual Morning Glory in a container and it is gone by winter and it is blue or pink.
    My chair, my chair--so true or clamoring about who gets to sit where in the car or who gets to sit by Momma---my brothers and siter and I we did the same. LOL

  8. I have not heard of Morning Glories being invasive, but they are a fast growing vine so I can see it happening. This episode reminds me of when Chandler and Joey bought those huge lounge chairs with drink holders, one for each of them,and they put them right in front of the T.V. Remember? Your episode may even be what led up to that.

  9. You are probably right. I don't see large thistles here --although we do have plenty of the small ones.... Gorgeous photo...

    I saw lots of wildflowers on our Day Trip through the Smokies last Friday.. I'll blog about that soon.

    I'm sure you never argued with NEAL.... He's just too darn sweet..... ha


  10. Cute memories of the squabbling over the chair. Interesting about the Morning Glories too. I absolutely love your thistle photo. It's an incredible shot. We went on a Sunday drive and I noticed the thistles were blooming everywhere. They looked so pretty!

  11. that thisitle is amazing.. what a super shot

  12. I find thistles very pretty too. Even if they are a noxious weed!
    Morning glorys are pretty, but before you know it they take over everything.

  13. I can remember arguments in our household very similar to that one over the chair. LOL. There were seven of us, so the arguments probably went on all the time. Love that thistle photo. I love thistles. They have such personality.

  14. When my students argue over wanting to sit in the same place, I tell them that changing up your routine regularly keeps your brain stronger. This is actually true. They stop arguing right away!

  15. Great shot. We do get thistles pretty big here. I love that episode :)

  16. I do love the flowers on thistles like that (but not the thorns) and that Friends episode is funny. It does remind us of the silly things we use to argue over as kids (and even sometimes as adults).

  17. you could frame that thistle is truly beautiful...I grew up an only child...I would have loved to have someone to argue with over a chair :)

  18. The thistle is so beautiful! I do miss the green here...trees and fields of wildflowers and shady groves and streams! :-) One can go into the mountains here pretty easily but the flora isn't the same as back east. It is still beautiful though, and the desert is a different kind of beautiful. But, I HATE my bare "dirt" yard! A previous occupant also dumped something that amounts to playground sand onto an area of our back yard and I track that sand in. I don't miss mowing, and frankly think the obsession with lawns is ridiculous, but this isn't my idea of a perfect yard either. :-) Have an awesome weekend, and I hope the rains aren't too bad.

  19. We constantly bickered over seats, after school television viewing, what was mine, etc.

  20. Lovely capture of the thistle!

    I love morning glories, but they do take over the garden if one doesn't keep after them.

    Funny Friends video. Just happened to see that episode not too long ago. :D I don't remember having issues over chairs but I did share a bedroom with my older sibling and we had the imaginary 'line down the middle of the room' that the other one was not to cross. LOL! Funny thing was - the stairway was on my side of the room. :D



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