
Monday, January 19, 2015

Expand to see better!

We made a trip down to Goose Pond yesterday.  Hoping to see pelicans, we were disappointed in that we didn't.  However, if you expand the photos, you can see we saw plenty of snow geese. and white fronted geese, along with Canadian Geese.  All too far away to get good photos.  But I have to show some of the pics.
Before we left we had a few  fly over us, but none of the snow geese.
And look below!
There were a few hundred sandhill cranes.
This is all I am going to share right is already photo overload at both my blogs.

It was the first time we have been out in quite a while and sure enjoyed seeing all the birds.


  1. Rose, that's a lot of birds for sure! Not sure where they are headed?

  2. Oh my gosh!! This is unbelievable and beautiful! It looks like a fine painting.

  3. That's a lot of geese / what lovely shots! :)

  4. these are all AMAZING! so many in one photo and wow on the sand hill cranes. the most i have seen is 3 together. awesome shots

  5. Aren't they all amazing. The Snow Geese are so very noisy aren't they.
    I have never seen Sandhill cranes so I am very envious of you.

  6. Good to just get outside especially if the sun is shining

  7. Wow! Those are a lot of geese and cranes!

  8. Goodness, what an amazing number of geese. I have never in my life seen that many. Great sightings Rose and great photos.

  9. Hello Rose, I love going out to see the large flocks of Snow geese and the Cranes. You had some awesome sightings.. Great photos.. Have a happy week!

  10. You two certainly hit the bird jackpot this week! :) I'm particularly happy you saw the Sandhill Crane!!!


  11. Wow...great shots! I didn't realize all those birds were at Goose Pond in the winter. We finally saw a bunch of the geese in Henderson yesterday. Have to get a post ready. I'd love to see all those cranes.


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