
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

From 2008

I remember taking the photos in the fog...almost as if it were yesterday.  This is only a couple or three miles from here on a country road.  I was pulled to the side as far as I could, but still felt I had to rush.
I have probably posted one or both of these before, but still I like them.

We ran to Walmart right before dark.  Of course it was dark by the time we came home...and the road was so slick we drove along about 25 or 30 miles per hour for most of the way.  Thankfully, there were few cars on that road, and the few we saw were creeping along, too.

We saw where one had went down over the bank...we probably just missed seeing it happen.  And after we got home, we heard all kinds of ambulances.

Anyway, it was trying to get foggy, and it reminded me of these.


  1. The first one is so beautiful! It really should be printed up and hanging somewhere!

  2. Beautiful foggy photos! There is a peacefulness to them and yet so tricky to drive in. I hope the people in the car were okay and glad you got home without mishap.

  3. I love these pictures, Rose, but am glad I was not out in the weather on click roads. Yikes! So scary to drive.

  4. glad you are safe. these are beautiful. i have not tried fog pics with my new camera, i think the last one was back in 05

  5. Be careful out there!!

    foggy shots are so neat and you really captured the essence of fog with these.

    Love the remembering blog too.

  6. I hope the people involved in the accident are okay. Scary! Beautiful fog pictures. I think they are very appealing. Mysterious.

  7. Beautiful foggy shots. I do like taking photos in the fog too...just waiting for the next opportunity :)

  8. Fog is such a lovely model ... beautiful shots!
    diane @ thoughts and shots

  9. I usually avoid taking photos on a foggy day. These photos shows me how WRONG I am to do that!

  10. These are beautiful, Rose!

    The icy roads have been terrible here of late. I heard there were 11 accidents in 7 hours up by Lebanon yesterday. :(



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