
Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Also from the strip pits...

These are all from the strip pit yesterday...more than one hawk is involved.
This is a Northern Harrier...there are lots of them out there in the winter.
I am pretty sure that this one is NOT a Northern Harrier, but I have no idea what it is.
This is the same Northern Harrier as in the first two pics..
This is a another hawk.
I so wish this last shot of it had been in focus...still click on them to see a better view.  You can still tell he is looking at me!

Hope you enjoyed these...a Northern Harrier is about the only hawk I feel like I can recognize for sure.  


  1. These birds are impressive, I have never seen any of them!

  2. Wow, they are beautiful! I don't think I've ever seen a Northern Harrier.


  3. we see a lot of hawks by the road side and in the trees. I guess they are easier to see because there are no leaves on the trees? Great shots by the way. It's all about snakes on my blog today!!

  4. I gave myself a neck ache this past week trying to get a clear shot of birds in flight. it is not easy to do

  5. Photos 5 & 6 I think are Rough Legged Hawks judging by the pattern under the wings.
    As for the black and white bird, maybe it's an Osprey? I really don't know.

  6. Beautiful Hawk...they have amazing eye sight...not easy to did well. :)

  7. The hawk is a real beauty. Great post Rose! The one before it of all those geese, absolutely amazing to see so many.


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