
Sunday, February 8, 2015

Just a little pretty flower to share from the archives.
It has been a beautiful day, but all I have done is sew.  And not even too much of that.  I need to make the binding for Lorelei's quilt and get the quilt finished.

I keep playing with crumb blocks, but when I get Lo's quilt done, I have other projects waiting.  I have got to take myself in hand and get really busy.  I also need to get back to decluttering.  I did get rid of a few items this weak, but not enough to brag about.  Tomorrow is a new day....who knows what it will bring.


  1. This is so pretty. Simple and pretty. And I guess neither one of us knows what it is!

  2. Pretty blossom, a promise of many blossoms to come with all those buds.

    I just heard a snowplow go by so I'm thinking today might be a good day for de-cluttering here too. :)

  3. Ahhhhh, now that is a pretty sight. I headed down to the sewing room when I got back from Texas, I left it a mess from my Christmas projects/gifts, needed to clean it up some. I'm going to make a t-shirt quilt for my granddaughter from all her softball t-shirts. Have you ever made one? This will be my first.

  4. This is so pretty! I am in the decluttering stage. I am trying to get ahead of Spring :)

  5. a really pretty flower and i like how you said ALL i did is sew.. wish i could sew..

  6. is it a geranium? Snowed all day here and we are in for a pig of a week with both snow and freezing temps. Oh well its winter and we live in Canada, what else could I expect.

  7. The pretty flower is a welcome sight when all I see outside is brown! I need to get back at the decluttering as well. I've gotten to be too lazy this winter!

  8. Decluttering is a never ending ordeal around here. Pretty flower!

  9. So pretty!

    Amazing how warm it was today. :)



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