
Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Strip pits are still busy....

We ran to Paris today...Paris, Illinois that is.  On the way home, we drove through the strip pit area.  The pond above it huge...I keep meaning to get a rough measurement of it by seeing how long the road is that runs sort of parallel to it.  Using the zoom lens compresses it so that you just don't the real feel of it.  Anyway, I think there were  more swans on it than were on it the the other day.  As you can see the ice is all gone here.
The rest of these are taken at a much smaller pond that is right beside the road.  We paused and I rolled down the window to try to take a few photos.
They first started to gradually swim away....
then they started to fly away so we took proceeded on our way.
I saw this pair of swans and had Roger stop while I snagged a couple pics.  This one has been cropped a little bit.  Remember to click the photo to view a larger image.

I finished sewing the binding down on Lorelei's quilt tonight!  I hope to wash it tomorrow.  I never give a quilt away without washing it first. I am so glad to have it done for her.  It has really surprised me that she still asks about has been quite a while ago that I first told her I would make it for her.


  1. Wow, that IS a lot of swans! I love this couple, I think they mate for life. I hope we get to see Lorelei with the quilt!

  2. I love seeing all those birds. Lorelei is going to love her quilt.

  3. That's a lot of swans and geese. Are they making a noise too?

    There's a town here too named Paris and you have to pass Ayre to get to it!!
    (an old southern Ontario travelling joke)

  4. Lots and lots of birds! This is exactly what happens to me- it's like they can feel out presence..even if we think we are being super quiet. And of course the camera click completely gives us away!

  5. No ice? Your weather is much, MUCH warmer than ours here north of Toronto!

  6. I could watch the swans swimming for hours. So graceful. Good pictures to share today!

  7. these are fantastic. i love number 2 and 4 and the last.. a lot. awe inspiring to me, since i have never seen anything like it

  8. They certainly are thriving! :) I would think with today's wind and colder weather there will be ice again soon.


  9. That is a bunch of birds for sure. The swans are so graceful. I loved the finished quilt as I saw it in another post.


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