
Thursday, February 26, 2015

Willy Nilly Friday 5

1.  We probably spend as much time watching stuff on YouTube as we do watching actual TV.  We watch stuff about our hobbies;  in my case, I watch a lot about sewing as well as regular series that were on TV at one time.  Roger watches stuff about fly tying, knife making, history, and more besides. He tends to watch random things...I tend to find series that I will watch till I watch them all...recently, it was All Creatures Great and Small, before that New Tricks, and Ballykissangel was somewhere in the mix.  At one time YouTube had all the Great British Sewing Bee shows on, then could only watch clips for a while.  Right now, there are 3 full length shows available from Season 3...below is the first one.

2.  Do you ever pause and think how sewing is done everywhere.  Some out of necessity, but a lot is done by people just trying to make something beautiful.  How many of you have heard of here to see a video showing some...they are made by hand.  So many stitches...adding and taking away layers of cloth.  Or click here to see the Siddis making quilts.  Again by hand...

3.  How many of you have what you call guilty little pleasures?  Mine is the mini-powdered donuts that you get in a bag.  I LOVE them.  I don't especially care for the normal sized powdered donut, but give me a bag of the small ones and I am good to go.

4.  I have not fed the birds in days...simply because of the number of cowbirds that come.  The last day I filled the feeder, it took them approximately 3 hrs to empty it...and the feeder holds close to a gallon of feed.  The little songbirds did not get to enjoy any of it.  I will eventually start  to feed them again...just waiting a bit in hopes that the cowbirds will have moved on.

5.  We seen the doctor was just a follow up to the test/procedure Roger had done.  The one biopsy they took was benign...did not show any pre-cancer cells.  So that is good.

Linking to Tanya's Willy Nilly Friday 5


  1. Good news about Roger! One year, we just gave up feeding because the grackles and crows got it all. But of course they are just as hungry as the other birds. Your picture of the thread spool is so pretty. I had no idea you can buy thread with all colors on one big spool!

  2. that spool is pretty -
    there was a repair man here today - as he walked towards the back door - about 60 robins landed in the tree behind him - like he was some kind of pied piper for birds . . it was nifty . . I'm glad for the good report at the doctor . .
    Happy Friday!

  3. Very glad to hear about Roger!

    I've been very sporadic with feeding the birds this winter. You have the Cowbirds - we have the Starlings. But I feel guilty if I don't feed the birds when it is as frigid as it has been. The Mallards have been here every day for a week and I think they're getting ready to start their families. Lots of fighting today among the males, especially. They were biting hard and holding on!

    My guilty pleasure - hard to name just one but I love homemade bread, toasted, with butter and jam.

    I sure do like the spool of thread on your sewing machine. Those molas are beautiful!

    I'm behind on commenting, so trying to get caught up. Hope ya'll have a good weekend. Try to stay warm!


  4. Happy for you over Roger's results. My guilty pleasure? Krispy Kreme doughnuts and I am thankful there isn't a store down the road or I would be in a lot of trouble. I have to travel a long distance to get one. A real pretty spool of thread and thank you for the video and links. Have a great weekend Rose :)

  5. Love that shot of the thread. I once was into fly tying, but my eye sight isn't all that great now. I LOVE YouTube! Tom The Backroads Traveller

  6. grat news on the test for Roger.. love the photo of the spool, really great shot.. i love youtube for tutorials, there is a tutorial for almost everything in this world from putting on makeup to sewing and painting and using a camera. i don't watch movies on it because i like our big screen for series or movies. i can't watch them on the computer screen.. but i love youtube

  7. Good news on Roger's test. Thank goodness.
    As much as I like the Red winged Blackbirds I wish they wouldn't come to the feeders in such droves. Whoosh! Empty.
    I grew up with sewing. My Mother sewed for people at home and she made such beautiful things for others and us too. In her later years she made beautiful quilts mostly for babies. Applique type. I should show you the big one she made for me. MB

  8. I'm glad to hear Roger's reports are coming back good!

    Yep, once the blackbirds return it's very hard to keep the feeders full. I hope the cowbirds take another route and avoid my yard. :)

  9. I don't sew, but we seem to have the same taste in TV shows. No "New Tricks" have been broadcast in a long time. But I do know that British shows take even a year between filming. So I wait and hope. I also love the show about the vet. I have all of his books and have read almost all of them. I like this new meme since it's introducing new people like you.Have a great weekend.

  10. Good news about your hubby.
    I feed birds and squirrels. They can empty bird feeders fast too.
    I like sweets of almost all kinds but am trying to watch how much I eat lately.

  11. Great news for Roger, what a relief! Yes, youtube is great for tutorials! I think my guilty pleasure would be chips and salsa...once I get started I can't stop! Thank you for linking and have a fab week!!


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