
Friday, March 13, 2015

Friday 5

It is time for some randomness...hoping I can do them quickly.  Hoping I can catch up with everyone in the next day or two.

1.  Does everyone think about stopping blogging?  It seems like I cannot go two weeks without skipping a day or, I get to thinking why not just quit.  Plus the fact that I just don't take as many pictures as I used to take.  For some reason, I just cannot totally give it up though.

2.  The flower above was actually taken in the fall...but still it makes me think spring. It is a crab apple tree.  When I worked at the orchard, I always found blooms when I was picking apples in the fall, so this is not really that unusual. 
3.  We just got back from Lorelei's...some of you know we were just over there for 3 or 4 days cause she was sick.  So, was up early yesterday morn and texting her mom...Lorelei had gotten up at midnight with her tummy hurting, and started vomiting at 1:00 and puked every hour till 7:30, then that turned to diarrhea.  I thought oh, we go again.  But she didn't have a fever.  Luckily, her mom had that day off, but both her and Lo's Dad had to work today, so Roger and I got ready up in the morn and went over to be there for her.  I was expecting her to have that real sickly look when we got there.  She did look tired but not like she had looked last week...and no fever still.  By the time it was bedtime, she was begging to go to school today, but we kept her home today just to be safe.  She was fine though and will be going back to school tomorrow.

4.  I am anxious to sew a bit.  I have a project started, but just the cutting stage.  But I always have crumb blocks going till I can actually sew a little bit whenever I  have that itch.

5.   If it wasn't 1:30 a.m. in the morning, I would fix myself a pan of cornbread...and I would probably eat the entire thing. 

Linking to Random 5 Friday....


  1. Poor Lorelei. I do wish her better, poor little soul. It's miserable when the little folk are off-form. I'd rather be ill myself than have them suffer. Good luck with your new sewing project. It's always so exciting getting started. All the best for a lovely weekend, Bonny

  2. Unlike so many others, I still haven't reached the 1-year anniversary of blogging. I take Sundays off completely, no post, no comments, so I'm ready to get back on Monday. Don't leave us!

  3. Oh no, poor girl! My girl Kerstie just went thru similar except she's a mom to three girls under 4 and was away in Calgary at the time. (900 km away from me) Miserable. About blogging, it's still too much fun, (been five years for me), but if it ever stops being fun and begins to be a chore, I can see stopping. Even as it is, I do sometimes tune out for a good long time. By the way, I do end up missing friends who decide to stop. Miss them to the max.

  4. each time i think about stopping the blog i take a couple days off and find i miss it and have nothing to do. if i had another hobby, like your sewing and quilting i might quit. but photos and blogging and reading are my only hobbies, and no family except bob and the dogs.

  5. PS since you do a lot of FB that takes the place of blogging. i am on there but do not like it and rarely do anyting on it.

  6. Beautiful crab apple! Poor Lorelei. Hope she is much better. Corn bread!!! I'll join you! I am doing good if I have one post a week on the blog. I try to do two, but not always. FB seems so much busier.

  7. I think about quitting a lot. Then I'll take a long break and that seems to help. Some just drop out of sight without warning and that makes me worry about what happened to them. It seems that blogging is changing and many are doing Facebook, which I don't do. Blogging is enough for me right now.
    Have a nice weekend!

  8. Lovely bloom! I take little breaks from blogging. I could never quit altogether.

  9. blogging is an addiction!!

    poor little Lo hopes she can get over this bout of illness soon.

  10. The crab apple is beautiful! I think many of them are even prettier than Cherry Blossoms. No, I do not think of quitting. What would I do with my photography hobby? Or without my sweet friends? Yes, I agree that we need breaks to have more time and refresh ourselves, but not actually quit! Say it isn't so!! Poor little think, she has had an awful time. Really bad things go around schools.

  11. 1. On occasion I've thought about it but it's fun and relaxing for me and even though I miss a few days in a row I would miss not blogging.
    2. What a pretty bloom.
    3. Poor thing, I hope she's feeling much better now. She's lucky for Grandma/Grandpa being there for her.
    4. Wish I could sew.
    5. Mmmm but eating the entire pan, I don't think that would be a good idea.

  12. Poor baby girl---I hope she is really feeling better. Nothing worse than puking out both ends.

    I often think of quitting blogging but I think I would miss a few people that I exchange comments with. Like you for one.

    I don't take as many pics as I used to anyway---I guess it's time for a road trip but we have a zillion Spring things to do right now.

    I like the Apple blossom and we get some in the fall too. Strange, huh.


  13. Gorgeous crab apple blossom! Glad to hear your Lorelei is on the mend. I haven't thought about quitting my blog, but I have definitely slowed down. But then I've slowed down with everything, it seems.

  14. Beautiful photo. I am so sorry Lorelei has been sick. I hope you won't quit blogging; just post/visit when you can. Important thing is to enjoy yourself. You have made me long for a piece of cornbread, hot, with lots of butter!

    Take care.

  15. Sorry about the sickness, but sounds like she is on the mend. I have been sketchy lately with blogging, but have never considered giving it up entirely. Good luck with your new sewing project!!

  16. Glad Lorelai is feeling better. Some bloggers take a break during the winter holidays, so maybe that would work for you and then you won't feel the pressure.

    Very pretty crab apple blossom. our crab apple blooms in spring here.

  17. So sorry Lorelei was sick! It's so hard when kids start school and pick up every germ that's going around.

    I didn't blog for a while when my husband first had his stroke last year but I did miss it so was glad to get back to it.

  18. I wouldn't stop blogging! I'm like you, I get frustrated because I get behind with people, but it's important to try...I would miss so many people I have come to care about if I stopped...including you!

    I suppose Lorelei could have had a bout of food poisoning, since there was no fever. I'm glad she's doing better and it wasn't the flu again!

    I have been sewing like crazy! :-) Will have some things to share on my quilting blog soon, I think. Thanks for your comment before! I have a new quilt show on there now that we went to the day we made the spring photos from my regular blog. Have a great week, Rose! Oh, I am doing a link to your blog next week because of that list of "If I were a..." things you posted several weeks ago. I plan to do them five at a time like EG Camera Girl is doing, for Random 5's!

  19. I am constantly in a battle with myself about blogging. I try to establish a routine and then something happens like a vacation and messes up the whole routine, so I just blog when I can sticking to the schedule as much as possible.

  20. I get so far behind visiting my blog friends that I feel bad but I would miss it too much to quit. And it's such a great way to share photos of what's going on in your life. I hope you have a beautiful week ahead! Hugs, Diane


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