
Friday, April 17, 2015

Wind farm

First of all, you might want to click on these to get just a hint of how it feels to drive by all these wind turbines.

We pass them every time we go to Willow Slough or Jasper Pulaski.  Every time I take pictures.  Every time I am somewhat disappointed.  I just never quite get the photo I want.  Of course we are driving 60 mph, so probably good that I can get these.  They have all had different filters used to try to bring them to life.
I always try to capture this one that is right beside the road...and love to snap one when a vehicle is right beside it.  The last time we went, it was so foggy, I could not see any of the wind turbines, not even this one that is just across the road.


  1. Cool shots of the wind farm! Have a happy Friday and weekend ahead!

  2. I am forever amazed at the quality of your drive-by photos!

  3. I'll be seeing this view when I return to my farm home in May. My brother has one right on the farm, and there are several around as well.

  4. I have never seen one in real life. and I am glad you showed it with the truck next to it,shows how tall it really is. in the broad view they look small.

  5. I am so glad you snapped the one picture with a car beside it. I would have had no IDEA how huge these are!! I have never seen any around here, so this is a treat. SO many of them, and they are SO big; I had no idea!

  6. they are huge, and make a funny whirring noise. We have some near us.

  7. Driving in California, I felt I was caught in an Orwellian novel whilst passing mile upon mile upon mile of wind turbines.

  8. You did great capturing those wind turbines. I especially liked the last one with the car giving a good idea how huge those things are.

  9. I've never seen so many in the one place before. The car is a great idea to add perspective.

  10. they look like monsters. so huge. i love seeing them when we travel. they are every where. i always wonder if there are any in VA. i have yet to see any. have a nice weekend. ( :

  11. They're huge! We have some in this state too.

  12. I have seen these things and I hope they are doing more good than harm. But as a bird lover, I'm afraid they might destroy a lot of birds.
    Have a nice weekend!

  13. I see these every time we go west for vacation- I am always amazed at how huge they are. We've seen trailers towing the blades..just so huge!! I don't know if the wind farms are a blessing or a curse-but it seems every form of energy has it's bad points. Have a great weekend!

  14. We have many of these "wind farms" in Eastern Washington where the land is somewhat flatter and there is more wind. They amaze me also and I can NEVER get a picture that captures theme properly. so I know what you mean.


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