
Friday, May 8, 2015

Another mural...

This is another mural in Brazil, Indiana.  I was snapping while sitting at a red light...through the window.

1.  The funny for today is from Lorelei.  The other night she had had her bath, and was ready for bed.  Her mom told her to come and get her hair brushed.  She wanted to just go to bed.  Her mom reminded her how tangled it would be in the morning.  I can't recall the exact sequence, but it was about she was tired, and her mom told her she was tired, too.  Lorelei's reply was "But you just pass out money all day...I go to school all day and learn math and learn to read!"

2.  Deb told me about this song because of a post I did the other day.  I loved it from the first notes, then the words.  They will strike home for any one that has been involved with farming and loves it.

3.  Is it too soon to complain about the heat?  Just wondering.

4.  I am embarrassed to say I have not planted a single tomato plant nor new flower.  Hoping that changes next week.

5.  I just read East Wind, A True Story by Jacqueline Richards, Lessil Richards.  I really enjoyed it and wished it were longer.

Linking to Tanya's Willy Nilly Friday 5.....


  1. Cool mural
    Kids are so funny---so logical and yet unknowing.
    When my late husband had a stroke and lost the ability to talk and read My then 5 yr old grandson told him that he would help him learn how to read again but he was learning at school and Papa already knew how but just forgot because he fell on his head. I guess ya had to be there

  2. oooh, I wish I had a job passing out money. No, wait a minute. I wish I was at the receiving end of someone passing out money. Like that better!!

  3. I love this song! And have never heard of either the song or the singer. How did you find such a song? I especially like when he sings about what has happened to the other farmers. Lorelei is sharp as a tack! LOVE the mural, it is beautiful!

  4. Next week seems like a good planting time!

  5. Kids say/think the cutest things! Hope you get a chance to plant next week. It seems most of my blog friends are experiencing hotter than usual temps for May. I always enjoy the murals.

  6. to funny about L and her mom, if she has any more money to pass out i will come get it. LOL
    if it is to early to complain about heat no one told me and I have been complaining for 3 days now. we are cool at night but 86 to 88 by mid day.. and it will get hotter and i will be complaining still

  7. Lorelei is such a cutie. I think I agree with her on who works harder...learning is a tough job!
    I haven't actually planted anything in the ground, but I did plant several pots- tomatoes & peppers, and one sorry looking celery that I am trying to regrow from a cutting. :) Have a super weekend!

  8. Neat mural! It is true that kids say the darndest things, lol! Lorelei is cute.. Happy Friday, have a great weekend!

  9. Hey, we are hitting 90 degrees already! We went from cold to hot, with nothing in between! What happened to spring?!

  10. I have several tomato plants and hope they make it...I've had NO luck dealing with the heat here regarding tomatoes in the past few years. Love the song! Sad and about real people. I love that. Isn't Lorelei a do say the darndest things! :-)

  11. Lorelei cracks me up! Really liked the song.

  12. Had to laugh at Lorelei. But I'm wondering if I can meet her mother if she passes out money all day. Nice mural!

  13. I just knew you'd like Stan Rogers music.
    There's no complaining allowed about the heat after the nasty winter we all experienced!LOL!

  14. Lorelei is such a cutie. I like the sound of that book. May be one to put on my list.

  15. I love Lorelei's logic, AND your video... definitely strikes home for this old farm girl!
    We went from having to bring the plants in to keep them from freezing, to nearly 90 F.... in one week! Complain all you want, lol.

  16. Brazil I thought until I read the cation.
    #1 Smarty!
    #2 Nice song.
    #3 Man, today it was 87! Is this July or May?
    #4 It probably won't happen with me.
    #5 I wish that I was a reader.
    Tom The Backroads Traveller

  17. This is another mural in Brazil, Indiana. I was snapping while sitting at a red light...through the window.

    Great mural Rose, I love looking at them.

    No. 1, your Lorelei is the cutest and comes out with some great jewels of wisdom. It’s good of you to share them so that we can all have a smile. Out of the mouths of sweet children :)

    No. 2, it’s a great song, I listened to it a few times and will be passing it on to our farming family in North Dakota.

    No. 3, an affirmative “no”. Smiling here because I was thinking the same thing myself a couple of days ago.

    No. 4, you’re way ahead of me :)

    No. 5, always interested in a good book find. I’ll have to look this one up.

    Have a great weekend :)

  18. We did manage to get tomato and peppers in and Mr put in potatoes the week before and some onions, other than that nothing else so far. Love number 3.

  19. i love the mural! lorelei is too funny! we haven't planted anything yet either, really should get crackin on that huh?! thanks for linking!


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