
Monday, June 22, 2015

Do you see him?

 Click to expand the view...
We saw this this guy up the hill from the swamp area...I was only able to snag one shot before he flew to parts unknown.  He almost glowed. I don't think it was my imagination, but it could have something to do with him being in the shade. Anyway, I have not altered his color in any way. I just grabbed this shot, was hoping to have time for some better ones, but it was not meant to be.
Roger is still dragging...has just ached off and on all day.  More on that off...he will have a few minutes here and there that he thinks he  might be starting to feel better, but it never lasts very long.  He didn't cough as much last night...but when he got up this morn and then laid back down, he started the cough again.


  1. Rose, You are an incredible photographer. This is so amazing.
    Prayers for you both.

  2. This is a great shot. What bright green!

  3. sounds like what my dh had/has........he has come to the end of his antibiotics and steroids and is still coughing.

    Great shot of the dragonfly.

  4. this guy would look great on my blog, he is neon green and i use a lot of neon. i have never seen one like him. he is beautiful. hope hubby feels better today

  5. I almost didn't see him at first, he's hidden pretty good. Roger sounds like he had what I had around mother's day, or it's another round of something going around. I hope he starts to feel better soon.

  6. Sound like the flu what with body aches and all. Roger--get better and that is an order!!! And Rose don't you come down with it.
    Love the shimmery little critter. Hard to keep them in one spot for long.


  7. Wow, what a great shot Rose! I hope your husband feels better!

  8. OPh my goodness! I hope Roger is feeling a whole lot better now! The dragonfly is a great colour for blending into the foliage/

  9. That's one cool looking neon green dragonfly.


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