
Monday, June 15, 2015


When we were over in Marshall, Illinois, I saw this and could not resist a quick snapshot of it.  that was a big old RV there to the side.  One I would not want to drive...I would love to know how long it was.  I felt like it was as big as some school buses, and bigger than others.
We had rambling fever today and headed north to the swamp area close to Coffing Brothers Orchard, and from there went on over to Danville, Illinois to the Heron viewing station.  I did get some good shots of a Great Blue Heron, but was disappointed in other ways.  Saw about three of the small water lily blooms, and that was all the blooms I saw.

It was if there had been a huge storm...I have not ever seen as much water in that area as was there today.  There just were not water lilies to speak of and I am not sure why.  And I only seen two turtles.

I am too weary to get much of a post together tonight...I will say it was another glorious cloud day.  So expect some more of those in the next few days, also some more thistle shots if nothing happens. 


  1. i always think that is fun to see how far off locations are ... makes your mind work. so fun!! i can not imagine driving such a huge monster .. might run folks off the roads. ha. ha!!! ( :

  2. I can barely drive a car, let alone an RV! Love the sign post.

    It is real hot today and we don't have much energy either. Have to drive to Atlanta Dr. on Wed., so we're just taking it easy!

  3. I cannot imagine driving that large RV!

  4. So glad you were able to ramble a bit today! And yes there has been so much rain here in Illinois! Such a neat sign post....wishing you a lovely Tuesday and so nice to meet you! Nicole

  5. Neat sign post. I like the mail box hanging on it.

    BTW: when I try to click off Pica & pieces I get My Space. It has happened several times now. I didn't even know My Space was still around.

  6. Definitely a perfect day for wandering about.

  7. Cute sign! I could never drive one of those big Rv's. I would try the smaller size ones I see around. Enjoy your Tuesday!

  8. Cute sign! I could never drive one of those big Rv's. I would try the smaller size ones I see around. Enjoy your Tuesday!

  9. we have been having great cloud days to.. thunderstorms in the pm every day make for great skies the next day... i would not try to drive a big rv

  10. Some RVers really get into the spirit of things. We have friends who have one parked permanently in a spot not too far from their house for a get away.

  11. it's been a few stormy, hot and humid days around here, and you normally get what weather we have had just before us (what a rambling mouth full!!) all out rivers are running high around here.

  12. Such a cute sign! Sorry you didn't have better luck at the swamp.

  13. I'm pretty sure I'd find it nerve-wracking to drive a huge RV!

  14. Well let's just hop in and head for Anchorage!


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