
Saturday, June 6, 2015

Simple but beautiful...

Seems like ever year I try to capture this grass...I like this one best of the ones I have taken.  Not saying it is fantastic or anything...but I do like it.  There was just the slightest, lightest breeze and its flowers were dancing in the wind.

Thanks to Marie for mentioning the TV mini-series Centennial... we started watching it last night.  It will at least be something to watch for a few nights.  We are definitely enjoying it.


  1. Very delicate, no wonder you like it.

  2. Lovely image, captured beautifully. Happy Sunday!

  3. it is beautiful and grass is really hard to capture, the slightest breeze moves it and blurs. i am going to check out Centennial now. had not seen that one advertised.

  4. I have never seen a grass with a flower on it, so pretty.

  5. The grass is really lovely. Thanks to you and Marie for sharing about Centennial. Hope your afternoon is enjoyable.

  6. The grass flowers are so delicate. Lovely photo.

  7. Oh Rose you are so artistic. I love your shots and stories. the frond looks like little fishes on poles.

  8. Super! I'll have to try this sort of shot when our grass gets this far along.


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