
Sunday, July 5, 2015

Long gone, probably

I took this back on June 16....they are probably long gone. 
 I sure have not had much time to blog today...and think it is going to stay that way for a while.

I am slowly making progress on the baby quilt..just a bit at a time.  I should be able to finish it by next weekend.  Lorelei is feeling better, but she is staying with us for a while before she goes back to school.  


  1. Hope Lorelei feels much better soon.
    Best wishes with the baby quilt.

  2. we know when L is visiting there is no time to blog and we know you are having a blast with her. waiting to hear the funny stories

  3. Hope Lorelei feels better soon. I've been watching for our wild berries to bloom and I think now I have missed it. Mark got one little bowl picked before we went to the hospital. I'm too tired to go out there and look! Have a wonderful Monday!~

  4. Hi Rose, looking forward to see your completed quilt. I am sure Lorelei will be back to school soon. Wishing you all the best!

  5. I bet those berries were delicious! Sorry Lorelei is still feeling under the weather.

  6. Wild berries out here are not ripe--not even close.
    There are so many fires in this drought stricken state that the morning sun is red as was the moon last night.
    You have only 6 days before the quilt is to be presented--right. I know you will have it finished.
    Hope L is feeling better.


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