
Saturday, July 18, 2015

Look at that baby!

This was taken when she was just a baby and we were babysitting her while her mommy worked. It is a joy to watch her grow up.  I am so thankful to live near enough to see her on a regular basis.

The first part/verse of this song make me think of watching her growing has the words if you want to read along with them.  They will be some of our best memories...

I was reading this post  of over at Enjoying Life Wherever We Are and it got me to thinking about prices we remember.  She remembered buying a loaf of bread for 25 cents.  I don't remember that...we seldom bought a loaf of bread.

What I remember is paying 29 cents for a gallon of gas...and I remember there being nickel and dime bags of chips.  And I think there were nickel and dime candy bars.  And I remember when a 16 ounce bottle of Pepsi was a dime.  And the first Barbie doll I remember noticing the price on was $2.97.  We could get a hot dog with no chili sauce for a dime, or pay 15 cents and get it with chili sauce.  And they were sooooo good.

What are the prices you remember that have changed drastically?  We were married in 1976 and I think we usually paid around $0.99 for a pound of hamburger, but I am not sure.  Does anyone remember that price?  I hope everyone has things they remember...


  1. What a sweet baby photo of Lorelei and I enjoyed the video too. Oh, I'm happy you are close enough to enjoy her often. Thank you for sharing her with us, too.

    I remember walking to the store and buying a candy bar for a nickel or dime. John, lived in MI, and remembers being able to buy a hot dog and a chocolate Banquet frozen pie - ALL for $1. Things have sure changed!!!

  2. Awww, wee soul! That is one of my favourite songs btw.

    A more recent memory is of the last time gas prices dipped below a dollar in the early 2000's... the Great Scot just had to get a picture of the sign, to send to his family. Gas was $8.00 a litre there!

  3. Good morning, what an adorable photo. I think the gas prices have taken a huge jump since I started driving in the 1970's. Happy Sunday, have a great new week ahead!

  4. The baby is so cute and adorable!

  5. Yes to the 99 cents burger and bob and i were just talking about it last week. i remember everything you listed here. and a gallon of milk was 99 cents in 1969...
    current remember, 2 weeks ago eggs were 2.46 a dozen today they were 3.27 at WM....

  6. i forgot to say i love that photo of L and i knew it was her before i read it. she looks so much like that now... those were the days

  7. Darling baby photo - and I do remember some of the prices you mentioned. So long ago!!

  8. A sweet little baby and a sweet little girl. She's beautiful Rose. You know I don't really remember how much things cost, I'm terrible at that. My memory just doesn't retain numbers. I do remember being given a threepenny bit for my pocket money, to buy sweets on the way home from school, not every day just once a week.

  9. Sweet photo, Rose. I remember 15-cent ice cream cones, 7-cent Cokes (and you got 2 cents back if you returned the bottle), and 5 pounds of sugar for 39 cents.

  10. I am a bit older than you but I do remember the prices of a lot of things. My girlfriend Judy and I would go grocery shopping once a week (we would go together) we each had 20 dollars and could buy so much compared to today. Since in the early days we all lived on hamburger makings we bought a lot of that. 5 loaves of bread for a dollar---I did m right. And big candy bars for 5cents or 10 cents.ake my own. 10 pounds of hamburger for 1.00---yep that's right. It goes on.........

    Have a fun visit with Lorelei

  11. look how cute she is ... what a sweetie. i love Natalie Merchant ... she is one my faves when it comes to music. ( :

  12. What a sweet photo of you and Lorelei. You should frame that.

  13. Sweet baby photo - They grow up so quickly.
    Yes times & prices certainly have changed. What's worse is that with candy bars they now cost .99 cents and are smaller then they use to be on top of the high price.

  14. Oh my goodness, what a precious photo! She is just the perfect baby!

    Thanks for the link over to my post. Some of the other prices I remember are penny candies, 10 cent Popsicles, Hostess Twinkies for 25 cents. When I was working at our local hospital, during the late 70s, early 80s, you could still buy a cup of coffee there for 10 cents! Remember the gasoline 'wars' in the 1960s? Sure would love to have those prices now! Mike remembers his grandmother saying, "Someday a loaf of bread will cost a dollar!" Wouldn't she be surprised now?


  15. she was and still is a sweetie!! I remember gas being 49 cents CDN a litre back in the early 90's.

  16. Hi Rose,

    Since I mentioned Popscicles in my comment above, I wanted to come back over and share this link I just came across by accident - How and 11-Year-Old Boy Invented the Popsicle.

    Hope you're enjoying these rainless days. :-D



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