
Saturday, July 25, 2015

Question for the day

My question is, why do jeans that are old and ratty and have holes and patches feel so good?  They seem to empower me to do more....maybe because I don't fear what happens to them.  But in general, I don't worry about jeans anyway.
I pulled this one from the archives.  Just to have some pic to post.
Decluttered a bit today...while doing that I found Christmas in July for Lorelei.  Found two or three stocking stuffers I had forgotten about.  So maybe she will get them before next Christmas.

I found another pair of ratty jeans...that I why I ask.  I just had to put them on and they felt so good!  I often wonder will I ever quit wearing jeans.  I don't think I will.  Though the last few pairs, I really have felt the need to redo the pockets.  The pockets are what draws me to jeans, and in women's jeans, they make them smaller and smaller. 

I would hate to tell what I got rid of had an expiration date of the early 2000's--I think 2001, but not sure.  Might possibly have been 2003.  I think I didn't get rid of the stuff before because I just didn't know what to do with it...this time I did not give it a thought.  It helped to fill another garbage sack from the old garage.    Another one of mainly plastic containers.

I also got rid of more of my old clothes that I was hoping to wear again...but I have given up on that.

Anyway, that is how I spent my afternoon...that and re-arranging a few things and I want to re-arrange some more.  Maybe even rid myself of more things.


  1. I guess I will never stop wearing jeans either because I will be 79 years old this coming Tuesday and I still wear them every day except to church on Sunday. Thank you for visiting my blog. Paula from south Texas

  2. I still wear jeans, in fact, I am wearing them now. They are comfortable so why stop wearing them??

  3. I rarely wear jeans, have a couple of pairs though that still fit. I need a declutter as well.

  4. Hi Rose, I too love to wear jeans though not everyday. The older they are, they more comfortable they are. I too need to de-clutter but I do not which to give away especially my books!

  5. i agree the older and rattier the better they feel and i also hate to wear fresh washed jeans, i like them after they are worn a few times. i don't wash bob's or mine until they get to the place they look dirty.. jeans and capri's are the only things i wear.... good girl on getting rid of stuff... the leaves are beautiful...

  6. Old jeans are comfortable because they FIT and are broken in just right for this old body.
    Since I have moved in with Bob I have thrown lots of items with realy old past due dates. and when I moved in I got rid of lots of my stuff I didn't need. Hey wait where did my______go? Aw, I don't miss it.

  7. I know what you mean: old jeans that have been worn in feel like they've been custom-made. Good luck with the tidy-out. I've always worked on the basis that best-before dates were purely advisory, and, if the contents passed the sniff test, could be safely ignored. All the best, Bonny

  8. I love wearing jeans except in the summer when I wear capris. I think the older the better because the denim has softened with many washings.
    I need to get back to my organizing and throwing out stuff I don't need. It's a job!
    Have a nice Sunday!

  9. I need to do that very badly. I do it now and then but never get any good momentum going. Maybe this winter...

  10. I need to de-clutter so bad..but I just can't get in the mood!
    Have a great day and don't work too hard!


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