
Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Say aaahhhh!

Just could not resist this...this was Puss Puss and her brother, who is not longer with us.  When we just had the two of them, they always slept wrapped around each other.  I have never seen two kitties more loving with each other.
Tootie went home today...she wanted us to go home with her so bad.  There were tears.  She just did not want to let us go.  But we have things we need to do.  Should have came home and mowed the yard, but will do that tomorrow.  I had left clothes on the line.  So had to get home and get them in.

As I was listening to the washer this morn before I got distracted, I wondered do you other women find the sound of the washing machine kind of comforting?  It just dawned on me that I really do.  It is just a sound of home.  If I close my eyes, I can even feel like I am back home in Tennessee.

With her being here my Lotus quilt project has been put on the back burner.  It was initially paused because my daughter and I were both searching for more batiks in the colors she likes.  Then by the time we found enough, Lo was here.  It is something I need to pay attention to when doing the cutting so did not want to start while she was here.

So this evening, I thought I would see if I could start.  And I did cut a few pieces cut, but not without thinking I had lost my mind first.  There are some batiks designated to go with dark triangles, and then there were others I had decided were to go with the light triangles...I could not remember which fabrics I had done used and had to check the ones I had done made.  Then I happened to think just where I had put the new batiks!  One of those light bulb moments.  So hopefully I will have a bit of time to work on them tomorrow.  Once I get them cut, it won't take too long to get them sewn together.


  1. Such a precious kitty picture.
    I don't mind at all hearing the washer or the dishwasher going. As you say, it's kind of comforting.
    Best wishes with the quilt. The cutting out would be the tedious part for me.
    We had a small rain shower this afternoon.
    Hope you rest well tonight.

  2. Awww..these two kittens are so cute, so adorable. I too love the sounds of home. Happy quilting, Rose!

  3. Very sweet photo of the kittens. I'm sure it was sad to see Lorelei go home but it sounds like you have plenty of projects to keep you busy!

  4. I love the photo of the sweet kittens! My two black kittens we rescued slept like that when very little. Now they are growing like weeds and like their own space. Hope the quilt project goes smoothly!

  5. big awww on the kitties and oh poor L leaving her grandma behind.. glad your memory came back in time to find those pieces.

  6. the sound of any machine makes me crazy.. the fan on the fridge drives me nuts and my washer/dryer is in the garage and for that i am thankful. any repetivie noise gets on my last nerve, like the ceiling fan in the living room, tic tic tic tic

  7. Oh baby kitties are just the sweetest things. Look at those faces.
    I like the washing sound of the machine. Not so much the draining and and spinning. the chug chug of the washer is relaxing to me.
    Sometimes saying good bye for even just a short while is harder than other times.
    Anxious to see the finished quilt.

  8. Awww such a sweet story of your little darling not wanting to go home. And cute kitties! My washing machine memory is not actually a washing machine but the ticking of clocks. As a little girl I used to love the sound of my grandparents' wall clock, a big old thing with two carved wooden horses on each side :)

  9. that's so sad that she didn't want to leave you. When is she back next?

  10. That is a sweet photo. Awe, she just loves you so much :)

  11. I like the comforts of a home that's working well. Enjoy your week sweet lady! Hugs, Diane

  12. What a precious photo! I have a cat and have had cats all my life so I was naturally drawn to this! Thank you so much for sharing. :)

  13. I can't resist commenting on those sweet sleeping kittens, so adorable.


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