
Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Letting go?

In switching bedrooms, I came across a box of cuttings such as this.  I didn't take this picture then.  Just happened to find this in the archives.  These are all leaves, etc that my mom sat and cut.  But in that box are all kinds of cardboard templates she has made.   I am not sure what I did with the box, but will try to take more pictures at some time or other.

Back then there was not near all the magazines, etc available about quilting.  I was probably in my late 20's at least and possibly 30's before there was many.  So, when mom wanted a pattern, she came up with it herself.  There was no magazine, no quilt shop to go to.  Back then it was such a big deal to us if one of the women's magazine featured a quilt.

Anyway, we got the other bedroom back together yesterday, and I was thinking when I come across the box of bits and pieces of patterns, that I will just give them a pitch.  No one else will want them, and I don't get them out once a year even.  But looking at this pic, I am not sure I can let them go.  Quilting was mom's one hobby.  She really loved to quilt, and would talk about how good a quilt would feel on a cold winter night.  She made some thinking how pretty they would be, but I think she enjoyed making quilts and thinking how they would keep her family warm.

So, now I don't know if I can let go of them or not. 


  1. this de cluttering thing has you with a dilemma.. good luck with making your decision.

  2. This is the most difficult part when de-cluttering our homes. Hope you can come to a decision soon.

  3. Oh, I know how you feel! Some things are very hard to let go!

  4. Getting rid of things with family memories attached is so hard. They also have history attached to them, from a time gone by like your patterns. We've been going through old photos and slides and even movies and trying to make decisions. I also dug out my mom's raccoon coat from the 20's and have finally decided to get rid of it. Wish I could give it to a theater group for a costume, but easier to just pitch it in the Goodwill box. I have all sorts of stuff of my dad's that I feel I should "hang on to" but am reaching the point of wondering why I keep them. After I am gone, no one else will care about them. Some stuff you wonder if it has a historic significance, but to whom? My dad built airports....I have drawing plans for small airports all over the country that date back to the 40's or 50's. What to do with them? It is hard to realize that these sentimental items that we love for their connection to our families and our past, will some day mean nothing to anyone else. Good luck on the de-cluttering!

  5. Well, on the bright side, it doesn't look like they take up much room. I think it's great that your mother enjoyed quilting even without all the modern conveniences we have today. I'm sure her work was precious and warm.

  6. Things like this are hard for me to let go. I know it must be hard for you.

  7. I'm in the middle of getting rid of things myself. I'm the worst person to ask as I can't part with sentimental things. I'd say keep them and find some other non-sentimental stuff to chuck out like I am doing right now ;) Or maybe you can scan them to put on file? That would be a good half-way measure, unless they are too large to put on the scanner bed.

  8. So I left a nice comment and now I don't know where it went. Oh well that is how it is going for me with computers lately.
    I say keep Mom's patterns and who knows when your daughters or granddaughter gets older they may love the memories that you have.
    I am trying again.


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