
Saturday, August 1, 2015

Sunset in Indiana

One can almost always count on a colorful sunset in Indiana.  This was taken last Sunday evening.  Out at the strip pits.  We are not seeing many birds out there, but are seeing a few deer.
I should be paying my bills but instead here I sit.  And I don't have anything interesting to tell. 

Oh, one thing I forgot to mention--I saw goldenrod in bloom the other day!  This seems early...but it was only one bloom.  I  shall be watching for more.  I won't mind when autumn gets here--it is my favorite time of year.  I hope it arrives early and lingers a long time.
I was going through my purse yesterday and found an old gift card from Joann Fabrics.  I would have bet money there was only a few cents left on it, but when I checked it had $13 on I felt richer at the end of the day.

I need to get up and do something...what I don't know.  But I should not just be sitting here.  It may be evening/night before I get around to every one.  Hope you all have a good day! 


  1. Beautiful sunsets. My sis lives in New Albany IN and often mentions the pretty sunsets. What fun to find $13 left on your gift card! We have a Joann's here and they are currently building Hobby Lobby. I love to browse thru these types of stores. Hope you two enjoyed your dinner last night.

  2. Beautiful sunset capture! It is great you found some money on your gift card, a nice surprise. Enjoy your weekend!

  3. That is a lovely sunset Rose. Truth be told I should be paying bills also and have several other things to do today but here I am :)

  4. A beauty of a sunset. More! More!
    Funny you should mention the old gift card. I found a gift certificate to a restaurant dated 1986. Wonder if it is any good. haha

  5. Beautiful sunset and reflection.

  6. This is a lazy time of year, especially on hot days. Thank goodness the heat wave we had last week is over. I get out more on cold winter days than I do on hot summer ones. :)


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