
Wednesday, August 5, 2015


I thought I might as well share some of my wishful thinking...every time I have turned around this afternoon, my thoughts have run this way.....

.....I wish I had all the fresh, from our garden tomatoes that I could eat.  I think I could easily eat  a peck of them in one day.  I would be thankful for just a couple that were thoroughly ripe and had good taste.

...........I really wish I could snap my fingers and have shopping done.  (Like in I Dream of Jeannie.)  (I have been thinking about her lately...wondering if Lorelei would like that show.)

..........I wish I had the de-cluttering done enough till I felt like I was close to being done.  Have only done a little today since we went shopping this morn.

.........I wish when autumn comes, it would come slow and last a long, long time.  There is a feel of fall to the air and the sounds are there.  And while it is my absolute favorite time of year, I don't really look forward to winter.

...........I wish I had time and felt like doing everything I want to do.  I have never, ever understood being bored. 

Is that enough wishful thinking for you?  Want to share some of your wishes...tell me in the comments.  I do enjoy reading them so much.


  1. I wish I can grow tomato successfully. So far not much luck for me

  2. I wish for cool wet weather. I think summer is going to last forever here.

    I wish for happiness every time I blow out the candles.

  3. I enjoyed your list. My fav time of year is fall; I wish it would last a long time just like you. Wish I had more energy than I do and that my body did not ache!!! We are enjoying a basket of peaches from the local orchard and I wish they lasted a long time, too!

  4. I too am wishing for a long, LONG glorious autumn!

  5. Many times i have said I wish I was Jeanne... like i could blink and transport me to see friends and relatives, i hate travel.
    I would wish that year round would be our weather we have Oct through Feb... my favorite time of the year. but not my husbands favorite.
    my mothers favorite when i said I wish.. was to tell me if wishes were horses all beggars would ride.

  6. I wish I had a bigger garden to grow some fruit trees. I wish my plants will stay forever young and healthy. I wish the grass will not grow back....I wish, I wish, I wish....hahaha...

  7. totally agree with you re: Fall, my favourite time of year.

  8. Your watercolor on your previous post is lovely. It looks very cold so it must be good. I am wishfully thinking that I was that creative.
    About tomatoes I wish mine would ripen. the bushes are loaded with good size tomatoes but they are Green!..
    I also wish that I could upload my photos from my camera to my computer again. I upgraded to Windows 10 and while everything is good I now cannot uploat my pics. Grrrrrrrr!! any help out there???
    I love Fall too and wish it would linger with a wonderful Indian Summer and make me happy.

  9. Oh I do wish for a longish and very slow fall! It just goes by so fast here...or doesn't even really happen- just heat to chill. LOL!

  10. I'm liking your wishful thinking. I've never understood "bored" either. I had one tomato plant this year that produced a good number of nice tasting tomatoes. I'm ready for fall and winter with this heat here in south Texas.

  11. Hi Rose - just came over from Sandra's blog ...

    That tomato looks great!

    And yes wouldn't it be great if we could just snap our fingers or wiggle our nose and like magic the housework was done.

    We can dream can't we?

    All the best Jan

  12. I'm with you on not looking forward to winter! I love spring, summer, and fall. Today we picked quite a bit of sweet corn and processed it to freeze. Our tomatoes are just about ready I think--maybe a couple more days.


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