
Monday, September 7, 2015

For your viewing pleasure...

First a pic of Lorelei and Rosie--

I cannot resist a this video...

This is Lorelei helping her mom paint a few days ago.  
And of course there are more of Otto and Rosie.
I just love this one of the two...

And isn't he wonderful to let her chew on his ears...I have never seen him get mad or upset with her.  And her little teeth are sharp.


  1. Otto sure is patient. Puppy teeth are like razor blades.

  2. Rosie is so lucky that Otto is such a good pal!!

  3. I LOVE ALL OF THESE... so precious and the dancing painter is priceless..

  4. Ha ha...I can see that Lorelei is enjoying her work. Otto and Rosie are so cute.

  5. Love the Painting Lorelei---such energy---makes me chuckle.
    Ottie is so so good with Rosie and that makes for cute pictures. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Awwww cute, hey tell Lorelei to come paint my closets. She looks like she's doing a better job than we are ;)

  7. Lorelei's got some "moves" there! Sweet photo of her with Rosie and my Otto is a patient dog.


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