
Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Just thinking....

The other day I was telling Eileen that I bet it would be fun to scroll through her photo archives.  That got me to thinking about a couple things I have wanted to ask/say/talk about.

If you were given the opportunity to look through a fellow blogger's photos...all their photos, not just the ones posted...who would you choose?

I would probably choose Don's at Slackwater.  But others would be a close second.  EG at East Gwillimbury WOW almost always has photos I wish I had taken.  There are others, but I am not naming them since some of them have things going on in their life and are not blogging much at all right now. 

And what one thing do you wish other bloggers would do?

There are two things right at the top of the list.  I wish people would post photos big enough for me to really get a good look at them if I click to expand the view.    I am all the time wishing I could see things better and click to expand the view and only to find they are the same size as they are on the blog.  

This makes me so thankful for those of you that do give bigger views...

The other thing, I wish people would always use the pop-up comment form.  It pops up so quickly generally.  And I love the fact that I don't have to keep clicking to go back if I am behind in my blogging. Plus, it is easy to make my comment if I can have the post open behind the comment box.  I guess I am just lazy.

Do you prefer blogging or Facebook?  I much prefer blogging...I have not been on Facebook in at least a couple days, maybe longer.  But I pop into blogs off and on all day if I am here. 

Well, that is it from my little corner of the world...its about time for a good snack...but I don't know what that will be.


  1. Enjoyable post, I was interested in all the points you made. I like the idea of having larger print but this is only because my eye sight isn't what it used to be, even with glasses :)

  2. Hi Rose, it is a beautiful image of leafless trees. Very nice post. Well, I am almost 60 years and I love posts with bigger images. I prefer blogging to Facebook, but I do post in FB once in a while.

  3. I enjoy both blogs and Facebook, but for very different reasons.

  4. Yes, you do raise some interesting points about the readability and see-ability of blogs.
    Like Jacqueline I really enjoy both blogging and Facebook. They are both different platforms of communication, and attract different readers. Always interesting though.

  5. I prefer pop up, prefer blogging over FB, I would choose What Karen Sees and the 7MNW Ranch and agree with you on EG, love all three of theese photos and also Mersaud in Bosnia. i am with you on bigger photos but photos are what i LOVE the most

  6. I much prefer blogging but I do post once in a while on Facebook. Thank you for appreciating my photos, Rose. It was sweet of you to mention my blog...and I hope you know how much I enjoy visiting your blogs. I love the subjects you choose to photograph and I'm always happy to read about your family, especially Lorelei.

    I don't post huge photos because many months I am close to my allowable Internet usage limit so I have to be careful.

  7. I would like to look at your photo album---you always have a variety of subjects and who doesn't like seeing the goings on of Lorelei.
    EG always has fab images---I want here camera or her eye. LOL
    I prefer blogging to Facebook--always.
    I like the pop up also because I can refer to the post I am commenting on.
    Well thanks for the 'thoughtful' blog.

  8. Hello, Bloggers prefer blogging and FBer's prefer FB... I love BOTH---for different reasons. Blogging is much harder and takes much more time. FB is VERY current --and I can get out and in in a jiffy if I want to....These days, due to my schedule, I prefer FB.... BUT--I will always love blogging since it is my journal of what is happening in my life. I love going back into my archives and seeing what I did on certain trips/dates, etc.. SO much fun!!!!

    I love going to blogs where people show gorgeous travel photos --and talk about their trips. I do not enjoy looking at pictures simply because they are pretty. I love the story behind the picture even more. That's why blogging takes me longer. I put A LOT (ha) of words with my pictures.....

    Memes are my least favorite thing about blogging since that gets very OLD to me... I'm not criticizing others who love them ---but that is simply not for me. I love pop up window also --and it makes blogging SO much easier... I also wish that every blogger would allow others to follow them on email... It's so much easier for me since I am an email person... I had one blog person tell me that she was NEVER going to put that link on her blog... Needless to say, I don't follow her anymore! ha

    One of the best photographers I know is Ruth Hiebert.... Love her photos.... AND--she is a great friend which helps. Your brother takes great pictures also---so I enjoy them now on FB.


  9. It's an intriguing question that I can't answer because there are so many good photographers on blogger. I have to admit to being on FB more often than my blog lists. It's just easier and I can keep up with relatives and friends that I don't get to see much. Hope you had a good snack!

  10. That's a hard question! I love ladyfi and playing with my camera and did you bring your camera and too many others! I hate leaving them out! Like Sandra of madsnapper. Anyway, I only blog and don't do fb, but I like photos and context so you can get the photographer's personality in there. That's what I love about Sandra. If all I want is photos, there are tons of them out there. But I like getting to know the person.

  11. There are so many great photographers, too hard to choose. For me, blogging is hanging out with like-minded people, Facebook is how I keep in touch with friends and family, far and wide. I spend more time on blogging.

  12. Such interesting thoughts on blogging. I just love my blogger friends and am amazed at how wonderful blogging really is. I only wish I had more time to visit and leave comments on more blogs each week.
    If only I didn't have to

  13. Interesting post, Rose. I will have to check how my blog works since I changed it last. Or, to be more honest, since I changed things and mucked them up a bit. I enjoy FB for keeping up with distant friends and young relatives I would otherwise not have much contact with. And use FB to stay in touch when I am away from home and don't have time to blog. It's so quick and easy to use!
    I use my blog as a journal, even if I risk it being of more interest to me than anyone else.
    I often give thanks for blogs and the opportunity it gives me to see the work of so many wonderful photographers.


Thank you for visiting my blog...I hope you like it enough to take the time to comment. I enjoy comments so much, and always try to make a return visit.