
Friday, September 18, 2015


My husband recently finished this is stainless steel.  A working man's knife.  It is a rubberized type handle.  What it actually is made of is the mat that you buy for horses to stand on.
If you would like to see more knives he has made, you can look here, here, and here.

Just so you know, this spider is still there and still growing!  I am going to miss it when it is gone!


  1. Nice looking knife. My son makes knives and it takes some craftsmanship.

  2. Your hubby is very talented. I would never think of one person making a knife. That spider is huge! You can keep him.

  3. Cool looking knife. He does nice work. I like the antler
    I know what you mean about tomatoes. I think this is the best crop ever. Nice solid tasty tomatoes. Last years were ok and then they the plants got a fungus so out they went. Never had grown Celebrity before. I would recommend that variety. We also had a hot dry summer so that may have been a factor. We started them from seeds.

  4. Your husband is a true craftsman, that's a fine looking knife. I also have enjoy your spider photos. No I wouldn't want one crawling on me BUT I find them fascinating and really pretty at times. I like to watch them for a while if I find them outside.

  5. Wow. That is quite a shot of the Orb Weaver!

  6. That looks like a sturdy, useful knife. And what a spider! Beautiful! I'm not one to fear the creepy-crawlies either.

  7. Great knife, but he spider, he would have to go!

  8. he MADE this knife??? That is beyond remarkable . . . color me truly impressed.

  9. Looks like a very nice knife. Has he seen that show on TV yet, I believe it's called Forged.

    Wow that spider is amazing. How big is that thing?

  10. Wonderful craftsmanship! My hubby loves knives, and I think the grandson is inheriting that interest too. That spider is just gorgeous! We had a big one like that on the outside of a window in Texas, and knew she was keeping the flies and other insects at bay.


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