
Friday, September 4, 2015

More Otto and Rosie

Though I am not there, I am betting quiet moments like this are rare.  She must be worn out not to be picking at Uncle Otti.
Otto doing what he loves to do...lay in the sun and snooze.  He looks like he is sleeping, but when I look close at Rosie, it looks like she is trying to nibble at him a little.  You can click on all images to expand the view.
While on critters, the spider in my flowers has built a beautiful-er spider web that is up higher.  I think it is growing.
First the A-side...
Then the B-side.

Just getting this ready ahead of time in case the modem crashes.  I am going to try to schedule a couple posts.  So far, haven't had a bit of trouble this day.


  1. Awe, look at your pups. The spider looks so huge.

  2. That is a very big spider. Awesome photos of it.

  3. Great photos! Sweet dogs, adorable interaction from the little one. Your close up of the spider is impressive Rose. It's very handsome as spiders go.

  4. Hi Rose, wonderful shots of the pups. They look like sweet friends. The spider is huge!! Have a great weekend. Hugs, cm

  5. These are the sweetest doggie photos. I enjoy seeing the spider too. Wishing you and yours a nice weekend.

  6. awesome photos of the spider, really good.. i love the pups together, makes me feel happy just looking at them. the spider on the other hand is great but doesn't make me feel happy

  7. The dogs together are delightful photos, but you can keep that other spider pictures!

  8. Hello Rose, I love the cute doggies. They look so tired! The spider is cool and creepy at the same time. Have a happy weekend!

  9. Love the dog shots - and though I'm not a fan of spiders, you took some beautiful shots of it.

  10. Hi Rose just lookin'. Funny thing--we have been over the mountains to Cheri's place and she was showing me her huge Spider and it is the very same kind so of course I took a picture too. Not as good as yours--mine is a little fuzzy.
    Love the pics of the pups.

  11. Otto and Rosie are so cute and it's fun to see them getting along so well with each other.

    Wow that spider looks huge!


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