
Friday, October 16, 2015

A bit of fun for Today's flowers...

First a bit of fun for Today's Flower...
Recently we were in Shipshewana and one morh we walked all around this one shopping place.  It was not a building center but had all kinds of stuff for the yard and patios.  I just have to include some of their 'flowers.'
I don't think they equal the beauty of real flowers, but I do think they are cute.
I am not sure I would ever want any...maybe if I lived someplace flowers didn't grow or where I couldn't plant any.

Now, for some shots of real flowers:
We passed though some little town that had this hanging baskets,

and at ever corner a mound of the same petunias.  Aren't they glorious!

Linking to:
Thanks to Denise for hosting this meme.


  1. I'm so impressed Rose, how did you do this? I sound so unaware but I love that you have copied it. Thank you so much for sharing with Today's Flowers. I love your flowers, the real and non real. Have a great weekend :)

  2. Those are my kinda flowers...although I'd probably still find a way to kill them. ;o)

  3. We call the metal ones "deer proof" flowers!

  4. How I love those hanging pots of blooms and the petunias on the ground.

  5. if my mother were still alive i would have to buy several of those metal flowers. she would love them all. my favorite is the tall skinny one

  6. It's been awhile since I've been there, the flowers are cute!

  7. The flowering baskets are really beautiful tis time of year! Yhe faux flowers are kinda cute to see in someone e;se's yard...but not mine. ;)

  8. Those are darling little metal flowers. - I've seen a few people here in town who decorate their beds with similar flowers. Yes the real thing is much better but they are still quite cute.

    Very pretty hanging baskets and mounds of colorful petunias. We have hanging baskets in our downtown area during the summer and I love how pretty they look.


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