
Tuesday, October 27, 2015

A day trip....

We headed north to see Willow Slough and to go on to Jasper-Pulaski.
Willow slough on the right and private property on the can see the mailbox on down the way if you click to expand the view.  Jasper-Pulaski is much the same type of place.

They are both fish and wildlife areas...we did not see much at Willow Slough except Roger spotted some turkeys...and Blue Jays were simply every where...I have never seen so many.  They were calling all around, and everywhere we went they were seen flitting across the road, or away from the road.

We did see several coots there..
They were mainly in this one first just slowly swimming around..
then they decided to get the heck out of Dodge!  They didn't go far, but far enough away till it was no fun to watch them any more.
Sumac was in full color there...
Over at Jasper-Pulaski the Sandhill Cranes were stopping over..
And filling their bellies...
and some were just resting as you can see if you look close in the photo below.
That is about it for our visit up there...oh, we did see a lot of these things on the way:
Thanks for visiting...I am sorry to be such and on/off blogger but it seems to be the best I can do lately.    Remember, I love your comments and love hearing from you.


  1. love those splishin and splashin ducks and that red leaf is stunning. beautiful field of sandhill cranes to

  2. Wow, look at all those ducks and sand cranes. Lovely place and great photos!

  3. I looked at the enlarged versions. I love these photos!

  4. You certainly are on a major flyway. I've never seen so many cranes all in one spot! Great photos Rose.

  5. Great shots, Rose, I loved seeing all the cranes and ducks. The sumac is beautiful, too. I always love seeing it in the fall. Too bad it's poisonous! Take care and have a great week!

  6. Lindo e belas fotografias.
    Um abraço e boa semana.

  7. Lucky you to see the sandhill cranes. I never did see any this year. I guess I was not in the right place and the right time.

  8. Well you did see a lot as you were cruising about. I have yet to see Sandhill Cranes. they are in the Eastern part of the state in fact on town not too far from the ranch has a Sandhill Crane festival every year but we have not been. Lots of wind turbines in Eastern Washington too. Love the Sumac

  9. I don't see any of the last shot around here, but have seen fields and fields of them across Texas on our trips to Colorado.
    I did see a group of blue jays the other day, but couldn't get close enough for a photo. Don't you just love the fall colors?

  10. Great photos Rose. We see a lot of cranes when we head to Madison, they seem to like the fields out there.

  11. Wow! You saw a lot of sandhill fabulous. We saw some on our trip to the beach Monday....but not this many! Happy weekend!

  12. Love all the sandhill cranes! Great color shots.

  13. The coots did create a bit of a stir! It must be amazing to see Sandhill Cranes.


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