
Friday, October 16, 2015

A bit of fun for Today's flowers...

First a bit of fun for Today's Flower...
Recently we were in Shipshewana and one morh we walked all around this one shopping place.  It was not a building center but had all kinds of stuff for the yard and patios.  I just have to include some of their 'flowers.'
I don't think they equal the beauty of real flowers, but I do think they are cute.
I am not sure I would ever want any...maybe if I lived someplace flowers didn't grow or where I couldn't plant any.

Now, for some shots of real flowers:
We passed though some little town that had this hanging baskets,

and at ever corner a mound of the same petunias.  Aren't they glorious!

Linking to:
Thanks to Denise for hosting this meme.