
Monday, January 18, 2016

This & That

Just have to show some proof of the pheasants we have been seeing at the strip pits.  They don't give much chance of getting a good photo.
They take off on the run the minute we pause.  If we just keep going they move along, but not as they do when we pause.
I am still working on the Lotus quilt top for my daughter.  I had taken some time off to play with the coiled mat I showed the other day.   I have made more mistakes on this Lotus quilt top than in all the other tops I have ever made!  I have made plenty of dumb mistakes in my life of sewing, but this one takes the cake.  and it is really no worse and not as hard as some quilts I have done in the keeping things in order.  If not for the ripping, I would have the rows at least made...
Has anyone else seen the new series on PBS called Mercy Street.  It is about two nurses on opposing sides of the Civil War.  We saw the first episode tonight and I really enjoyed it.  We thought it well worth watching.


  1. Had to chuckle when I saw these photos; one of these days I'll share the story about the Great Scot becoming a pheasant 'mama' when he worked at Kelburn Castle in Scotland... I think you'll chuckle too.

  2. I have not seen a pheasant in years. Didn't know they were over this side of the "pond!"

  3. Nice to see Pheasants.
    I watched Mercy Street last night too and quite enjoyed it.

  4. the pheasants have such beautiful coloring.. oh no on the ripping part.. have not seen Mercy Street, i rarely go on PBS

  5. My husband was a pheasant hunter in South Dakota. They are also tasty!

  6. Handsome birds. I hadn't heard of Mercy Street but found it so will watch it. Thank you. We just watched a show on the burial of all the men from the Civil War and I just started a book that is a compilation of notes made by a Civil War vet.

  7. What a beautiful pheasant, great shot! And another enjoyable post. Your frustration with the quilt came through loud and clear :) I haven't seen Mercy Street but I will keep watch. It sounds like a very interesting show.

  8. I am SO upset I missed that show It must have been Sunday night. Maybe I will be able to pick it up onPBS on Roku. I am up again, awake, it is midnight, and I will probably be up til at least 1:00. I knew their beautiful colors.

  9. The only pheasant I have ever seen here was in the distance and many, many years ago!

    Sorry you are finding the quilt so frustrating. I am trying to take a "perfect" photo of some century-old artifacts I have and NOTHING I do is making me happy. Something must be in the air, Rose, and I hope it goes away soon so we can relax. :)

    No I have not seen Mercy Street. Sounds interesting, though,

  10. I've not heard of Mercy Street, but that does sound interesting.


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