
Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Through the dining room window

Who can resist a face like this?  Certainly no one around here.  Everyone stops to pet her...she is a love.  This was taken through the window...I had to act quick because she was running around, and I don't think I gave it quite enough time to focus.  Still you can see what a loving face she has...
Next we have more from my dining room window.
We have several cardinals that visit the feeders....
they make me think Christmas any time I see them.
I even think they are becoming accustomed to the camera person behind the window.
They are not the only birds at my feeders...we have several starlings.
And also these woodpeckers...I think Downy but feel completely free to correct me.
I hope you enjoyed these.  This is not all that are visiting, but going to stop for now. 


  1. What a sweet dog. She has such a soulful expression. I love your red cardinals. They're so dramatic. I have a woodpecker like the one in the bottom shot in my back garden here in London. The bird spotter book identified it as a Great Spotted Woodpecker. It said that the male had the red cap on the back of his head, whereas the female's was all black. Maybe it's a completely different size and species given how far apart we are. Lovely shots! All the best, Bonny

  2. Oh my favorite things...Dogs and Birds. I think those are a male and female Downey. We also have Hairy Woodpeckers that look similar but are a liitle bigger and have a more pointy beek. You took great pics through the window which can be difficult at my house because my windows are always dirty, lol.
    xx, Carol

  3. I love seeing the birds at your feeders and, believe it or not, we have those at our feeders too! ;)

  4. i love your cardinal shots. i feel i have seen a similar doggies like this? maybe on a tv show? i am not sure. looks like a good guard dog. ( :

  5. Lovely photos of dog and visiting birds to your feeder. The birds are beautiful too.

  6. Great series of birds Rose. So close! Love all the detail and how pretty the dog is. Is he/she a Samoyed? Looks all white and fluffy.

  7. i want to pet her just looking at her photo. these are awesome bird shots. really good. they look real enough to touch

  8. Handsome dog, but the Cardinals catch my attention because we don't see too many here. They truly are gorgeous birds and you were able to make some nice shots. :-)

  9. you are so lucky to have so many visitors to your feeders and garden.

  10. Bud put out more food today and the woodies are back. Woo-Hoo. Love your shots of the cardinals and the starling. You are getting to be quite the birder photographer. I am very proud of you. Is that your dog? So beautiful.


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