
Monday, January 16, 2017

Going back in time...2014

 I was looking through things and came across these videos of Lorelei taken in 2014.  I had totally forgotten them.

I hope you enjoy them even half as much as we did....

She has the moves...

I wish you could have heard Roger....he is definitely feeling better.  He says she is going to love me when she is a teen-ager.  I have a feeling she will be like her mom and not really care too much.


  1. For sure she is doing the Dance of joy. Just pure joy and happiness. Part of that may be that YOU were there. Oh, to be innocent and this happy again; just dancing with not a care in the world. God tells us to be like little children, but I'm afraid my knees won't let me!

  2. she surely does have the moves, seems like yesterday she was this age .. I love the drum video best

  3. She has the same moves as my two young Granddaughters!

  4. She is having so much fun. I love her giggle! It is wonderful to see the joy children have.


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