
Thursday, January 12, 2017

Losing my mind...

I have spent hours the past few days looking on Google Earth.  Looking for where this barn was located.  I know the general area it was at.  But just cannot find for sure where it was.  The other day when we took a detour home, we went down the road I thought it was on, only to find out I was wrong.  That is when the search began.  I would have bet money I could take you right to where it once stood.

 And look at it...I don't see anything that terribly wrong with it...this was taken in December of 2010.  I have taken photos since this was taken.  But the last time we were by there the barn was completely gone.

Anyway, as if I needed to feel any crazier...not being able to spot where it was has left me feeling like I must be crazy.


  1. For one you are not crazy.I do understand that frustrating feeling when you just can't find the location. This is a fantastic picture.

  2. I have a favorite backroad area with neat barns that I like to explore. There are few if any road signs and most of the roads are mere lanes. One barn I've been trying to find for months now. I can't remember how to get to it to save my life. Rose, you aren't the lone ranger!

  3. This has happened to me, too.

  4. talk about frustrating, this happens to me IN THE HOUSE.. ha ha ha... things that were there are gone and can't be found... it was a beautifu barn and it is sad it is gone now.. maybe they built something else on the site and that is why you can't find it

  5. Terry would LOVE to have that barn. Perhaps the property was sold and the new owners had no use for it. Perhaps the property owners didn't want to pay property taxes on it anymore. You will never know :(

    I get great anxiety when I look for something I can't find. More anxiety than most would have. I'm crazy, you know. lol. I take meds, but anxiety from looking for lost items is NOT a condition they fix. Therefore, I never look for items I can't find. I prefer to let them turn up by themselves. Anyway, they are ALWAYS found in the last place you look.

    XX, Carol

    Hope Roger is doing well.

  6. Fantastic picture --even if you don't quite know where it was (or can't find it now)... Maybe they did tear it down --although it seems to be in good shape... This happens to me too.. I'll take a picture --especially of a waterfall and cannot remember where it was... ha

    How is Roger?

    Love to you both,

  7. You're not alone, Rose, this kind of thing has happened to me a lot. I love the photo of the barn. Hope it wasn't torn down.
    Have a nice weekend!

  8. What a lovely wintery scene. I hope your barn is still standing ... somewhere. I'm always forgetting where things are. I spend ages trying to find my car in multi-storey carparks (hate those places!).


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