
Thursday, January 5, 2017


I have a hard time doing a post without a am showing you this kitty.  We saw it one night when walking around the strip pit.  I did not try to pet it...I did not want to end up wanting to bring it home.

This is Thankful Thursday over at Michelle's...I like sharing the things I am thankful for...and I am thankful for a lot.  On cold days such as today I am always so thankful to have heat at the touch of a switch.

And tonight I am especially thankful that Roger's blood pressure finally dropped to 138/82.  When I took it at the regular time it was 164/92.  He had not rode his bike today and then insisted on riding it half an hour.  He got done, took a shower, and I waited a while after that to take it again.  It ended up being 170/90!  I was about ready to take him to the ER.  I gave him a bit more time, he got in his chair and Puss sat with him and he stroked her.   About 50 minutes later he headed to bed.  Thankful that it was down to 138/82 at that time.


  1. I'm glad his blood pressure went down too. Still keeping him in my prayers.

  2. Glad to hear that his blood pressure dropped. It must be a concern for both of you. Thinking of you.

  3. Thank goodness! I have taken blood pressure meds for over 50 years. But I have been to the E.R. three times in the last six months with blood pressure very high. Once it was 225/110. Now I have an emergency pill to take if it gets this high. If it doesn't go down within an hour, then I go to the E.R. So far, it has worked.

  4. That is so scary about Roger's bp. Ginny's comment/info was interesting.

    I love seeing the kitty.

  5. Terry has multiple health issues. He has had at least 3 mini strokes. Two of his health issues are migraine headaches that have several different causes. HBP is another. We had a hard time bringing his BP under control with meds, etc. Lots of people told us to limit his sodium. Sodium is not always an issue causing HBP. His neurologist suggested that he should try eating according to the National Headache Foundation's Low Tyramine Headache Diet. Basically you limit or eliminate fools that produce Tyramine which increase in foods when they are aged, smoked, etc. Since eliminating the recommended foods, Terry has also eliminated one of his two BP meds and his BP is almost always within recommended readings. You may want to take a look and see if possibly the diet could help him. (it's not really a diet...just a guideline). Let me know what you think.
    xx, Carol

  6. ...a kitty can do wonders for blood pressure!

  7. What a handsome kitty. I do hope that she's got a home to go to in the cold weather. We're back in London, and it's s-o-o cold here as well.
    Glad to hear that Roger's bp is behaving. It's so comforting and calming to have a kitty cat to sit and stroke during those quiet moments. That's a lovely image from your post.
    All the best,

  8. glad the pressure calmed down so you could go to bed.. sweet kitty. probably wild and would not let you pet it.. I am thankful for the AC that I can flip on with the switch.

  9. Sorry to hear about Roger's bp. That can be some scary business. Glad you have the cat to calm him down. Pets can work wonders! Thanks for linking up and I hope to see you again next week!

  10. That is always scary. And you've reminded me...we need to test ours today. Happy New year! Hugs, Diane

  11. Even during difficult times, there is always something to be thankful for.Hope your weekend goes well.


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