
Monday, February 27, 2017

A good update...

We are all resting a little easier around here....had a few rough days, but Roger is finally feeling basically normal again.  We still don't know what it was.  I ended up taking him to the Emergency Room Friday...they put an IV in and gave him fluids, gave him morphine for pain, and zofran for the nausea.

His blood didn't show anything wrong, tested negative for flu;  they did chest x-rays, urine sample, and EKG.....and nothing showed.  He still felt bad all day Saturday. Stayed in bed almost all day.  Yesterday, he got up and stayed up but felt bad still.

All through this he has talked about feeling there terrible fears, and sense of dread.  One of the nurses said that this is sort of normal after having something so traumatic as the stroke.

Anyway, I want to thank everyone for their prayers.  Not sure how much blogging I will do but I did want to do this update.  I thought about doing it last night but was half afraid he would wake up feeling terrible again. 

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Just a note..

Roger is still feeling very weird...not sure what is going on.  I am not going to try to join Willy Nilly Friday 5 though I love that meme.

I took Roger out to this strip pit pictured above and we walked around it.  He got to feeling a bit better while doing that.  When we completed the lap, he sat in a lawn chair and I fished a little while.

But soon as we got home, he felt weird again.  Our nurse practitioner is on vacation and won't be back till Monday and he wants to wait and see her.    My blogging may slow way, way down till we get this figured out.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

On Being thankful...

This is going to seem to be a crazy 'thankful' post once you have read it all.  First, let me say that I am really thankful that spring is near.  We have enjoyed shirt sleeve weather here this week.

Linking to Thankful Thursday
I am really thankful to still have Roger here with me.  He started out having a good week, but yesterday evening he started feeling weird.  He did not say anything till he went to I took his blood pressure.  It was okay.

This morning he got up and still felt the same.  Every morn he wants to go to Hardee's or McDonald's for coffee and a breakfast sandwich.  It is seldom that we don't go somewhere of the morn...we maybe stay home once a week.  Anyway, I told him I planned to stay home...but in a little bit he asked me if we could go...that he just needed to be out and be around people.  So we went.  I know that he can feel a bit normal out like that.  Where everyone is just sitting, enjoying a little break.

He felt weird all day till late this evening and he felt better for a while, but is back now to feeling weird.

We have been doing a lot of other stuff, so don't know if that has run him did not seem to at the time, but maybe it all caught up with him.  It is just so hard to see him feel like this.   And very hard for me to blog and do anything normal...but I keep making myself. 

Monday, February 20, 2017

A song remembered...

I was laying in bed, talking with Lorelei last night...and this song crossed my mind.  It was never a hit, or anything but always one of my favorite songs by the Eagles...

Saturday, February 18, 2017

A bit of this and that...

First, new blocks I don't think I have posted on here...
and here...
and here...
I am just using random fabrics...some scraps, some not.

2.  I record Live From Dennison Lodge every week...they feature a new to me music artist every week.  Last night I started to listen to Ray Bonneville after Roger had done gone to bed...I listened to half a dozen notes and stopped because I knew Roger would like tonight we listened...I was right Roger did really like him and I found a new song that I just love called Lone Freighter's Wail.

I have looked to try to find the lyrics...but no luck.  But oh, my, I do love this song.  The words are just so lonesome if you listen to them.  The music even has a lonesome quality to it.

3.  How about a something funny from Steve Harvey:

4.  as well as some funny family feud from back in the day:

I really debated on using this since the quality of the video is so bad, but have laughed myself silly with them.

5.  It has  been a good day...oldest daughter came, and we went to Arthur, Illinois.  She added to her fabric collection and I brought home 3 or 4 more.  I have done begun cutting them.

Linking to Tanya's Willy Nilly Friday 5

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Thankful Thursday

I am thankful that I got my daughter's quilt finished last week.  She chose the fabrics, chose the pattern, together we made the top, and I pin-basted and quilted it. We made the top in May, and I started the pin-basting and quilting some time after she left.

Then Roger had his stroke August 2 and I did not get to quilt any on it for at least 3 months...and then only a line or two here and there.  And that was machine quilting.

I am thankful that I took Roger to the strip pits yesterday and let him try driving...he did okay there.  Not ready for a busy city by any means...

And I am so very thankful that my older daughter now lives about 3½ hours away.

I am linking to Michelle's Thankful Thursday.

Monday, February 13, 2017

My first time for Share Your World....

I have been meaning to join Cee's Share Your World for quite some time.  She supplies the questions and we supply the answers.  So here goes.

Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out?
I have the ends tucked in but no where else.  Unless I am really cold, I hardly have any covers on me, or maybe just the sheet.

Have you stolen a street sign before?
No, and don't think I know anyone that has.

Do you cut out coupons but then never use them?
Sometimes, but mainly because I cannot find that particular item...or sometimes I forget that I have the coupon.

Do you have freckles?
Yes, and lots of them.

Optional Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?
I was so grateful that Roger and I were able to get some things done in our yard.  Things that had been praying on my mind.  And it made him feel so good to actually be able to accomplish something.  Also, he is not down to going to speech therapy only twice a month.  I am looking forward to more sunshine this week!   

Sunday, February 12, 2017

This & that

I don't think I have shown these...I took them back in January.  The only reason I can think of for not showing them is because I think they could be a lot better.  Still, they are not half bad.

 So that is my photo offering for this post.
Here are a couple offerings from my daughter....

 She is heading east on the interstate...
I totally love the above skies like this.
Today has been such a good day in so many ways.  Older daughter is transferring to a town just a few hours drive time from us.  That is just simply wonderful.  The photos are from her drive heading this way...
Then, Roger has worked in the yard a lot this afternoon...and he feels so good when he accomplishes something.  It was shirtsleeve weather...he wore shorts and no-sleeved t-shirt.  Felt so good to sit outside and just enjoy sitting there when we took a break...

Friday, February 10, 2017

This and that....

1.  Someone had a birthday today!  Can you tell she is happy?

2.  I have yet to visit everyone for Thankful Thursday and here I am getting ready to link to another meme.  I will try to visit everyone though.  Unless something unforeseen happens.

3.  Does everyone have bloggers that they miss?  I still miss EG....but she is not the only one.  Some I don't know what happened.  Does anyone remember Montana Girl?  I loved her photography...Elaine at Arctic View has not posted in a while...and others I miss I sort of know what happened and find them a little bit easier to deal with.  But hate it when someone is just gone and we don't know what happened.

I wonder did they start out to take a break like I did last summer while we had Lorelei and then it change into something more such as like when Roger had his stroke. 

4.  For something a bit more fun, how about one of my favorite songs:

5.  And just for fun a different version....

Believe it or not Jerry Garcia of the Grateful Dead was part of this group.

Linking to Willy Nilly Friday 5.....

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Thankful Thursday

I am so thankful to still have Roger in our life...and so thankful to have Lorelei.  She is celebrating her 8th birthday soon...I thought how perfect for Thankful Thursday

There is so much to be thankful for, even though I whine and complain sometimes, I do know how blessed I am.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Can you believe this?

Who would believe that 6 months ago he was laying in neuro-intensive care...and that he could not move his right arm/hand, right leg/foot?  I get so full of emotions when I actually think about it all. 

Friday, February 3, 2017


1.  I finally got the binding on this has been a long time coming.  Next, to flip it to the back and do the hand sewing.  One of my favorite jobs.

2.  I am still searching for where this barn is/was.  I have photos of it in summer and winter.  And I know the general area it is in but just cannot find where it is.

3.  I love fall colors...

4.  I don't know if I have shown this photo before or not...that is dust not fog.  But I still love it.

5.And since it is February, I leave you with Simon's Cat--Looking for Love Collection:

I am linking to Tanya's Willy Nilly Friday Five....

Thursday, February 2, 2017


I am so thankful that I had the privilege of growing up one time or another I have played, or hiked, or hunted ginseng over all the places in these photos.  Except for the mountain that is on the  right side in the photo above...the one that is a bit the tallest.  I am not sure about it...but pretty positive I am looking at this right.

This is a view that is to the right of the top photo..those ridges are actually much closer to home and I/we were on all of them.  I can remember taking my dogs and being on top of them...just to be out and about. 

I am very thankful that Roger got to start his allergy shots yesterday.

Linking to Michelle's Thankful Thursday

February shots through the years...

I decided to see if I had taken any photos on February 1...surprise of surprises, I had a few.

There was a bit of snow on February 1, 2008....

Again in 2009....notice the snow in the background here.  And not just a was a big snow.

The above is not from Feb 1, but from the Feb 5, 2010.

Now this ice is from February 1, 2011....

And this is the photo that triggered the hunt for February 1 shots...taken in 2012.

This is the one and only photo from Feb 1, 2013...

The Big White Dog was my first shot of Feb in 2014, on Feb 5 to be exact.

This one is from February 2, 2015....

And here you have February 4, appears to have much the same weather we have this day.

I hope you enjoyed the tour of February.