
Friday, February 3, 2017


1.  I finally got the binding on this has been a long time coming.  Next, to flip it to the back and do the hand sewing.  One of my favorite jobs.

2.  I am still searching for where this barn is/was.  I have photos of it in summer and winter.  And I know the general area it is in but just cannot find where it is.

3.  I love fall colors...

4.  I don't know if I have shown this photo before or not...that is dust not fog.  But I still love it.

5.And since it is February, I leave you with Simon's Cat--Looking for Love Collection:

I am linking to Tanya's Willy Nilly Friday Five....


  1. Lovely series of randomness Rose, thank you :)

  2. I'll enjoy fall color when it comes and fog doesn't get in your eyes like dust.

  3. The 'dust' picture does look good, but the fact that its dust in the air may not be a good thing.

  4. Lovely fall colours and I enjoy the cute cat video.

  5. All these Simon's Cat are so good! We love Simon's Cat, and these are new to us! Something tells me he won't have a Valentine this year. Your leaves and sky are beautiful!

  6. I really like the shot of the dust not fog. beautiful and I also like the art of your footer on your sewing machine.

  7. That is a cute cartoon. Reminds me of Mildred's cat bringing her half a lizard. LOL

  8. i do love that dust picture, beautiful! your quilt is coming right along...i hope you find the barn...maybe it has been torn down? cute "looking for love" :) thank you for linking rose, have a great week!

  9. I can not get my last quilt finished, keep finding ways to not
    work on it.
    Glad to see you did a good thing and finished yours.

  10. Lovely photos, I love Fall colour too. Very sweet video!
    Have a good day!

  11. Great randomness. Who doesn't love Simon--meowwww!

  12. Oh to have the gumption & patience to make quilts. I admire your work. That's a dust storm? Wow. Live the autumn leaves.

  13. I know there are a lot of people who really don't like sewing binding on a quilt, but I'm with you - I enjoy the process. :-)

  14. I love the quilt and the photos. I love fall colors, too!

  15. The quilt looks like a pretty one. I love the hand stitching too. The cat videos are so funny and just like a cat!

  16. I love posts about randoms. My days are full of random stuff! lol I also love fall colors. It is my favorite season.

  17. Love the calm colourway of your quilt. It looks gorgeous: it'll be a pleasure to go to sleep under.


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