
Thursday, March 2, 2017

Thankful Thursday

I am thankful that another storm of life has passed and we have survived.  Roger is still feeling better.

I am thankful we had no damage from the wind and storm of Tuesday night and yesterday.

I so love Psalm 139 and am so thankful for it....if I am troubled and read it, it gives me great comfort.   

I am linking to Thankful Thursday over at Michelle's.


  1. I am thankful also, so happy to hear Roger is feeling better.

  2. Thankful that Roger is feeling better and will continue to pray for you both. Glad you were safe during the stormy weather.

  3. ,,,storms here last night with heavy rains.

  4. I was thinking about you when I heard the storms were south of here and wondered if they were in your area. A storm...not matter what kind..reeks havoc and fear. I'm thankful too that you have weathered both storms.
    xx, Carol

  5. Hello, the news made these storms sound awful. I am glad you are all safe. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day and the weekend ahead!

  6. I am thankful to that Roger is better and no storm damage for both of you...

  7. So happy Roger is feeling better! We had quite a storm here too.

  8. SO much to be thankful for.I just posted something about that on Facebook. I love that Psalm as well.

  9. We have a lot to be thankful for. So far we haven't had storms today but lots of dark clouds. Hugs, Diane

  10. It sounds like things are going well. Glad Roger is feeling better. Also glad you escaped storm damage. Thanks for linking up today and I hope you have a great weekend.

  11. Yes, so thankful about Roger! We had the wind storm too! I will be posting the damage, but we were fine.

  12. Glad the storms did not effect you and that Roger is feeling well. Blessings to you

  13. You seem to have a lot to be thankful for. I worried about the storms out your way. I felt a bit whiny today--well melancholy might be a better word. I just finished a book and had to let it go. You might like the book. It is called Maud by Donna Mabry---try it. It is on my tablet I wish I could cyber send it to you.

  14. So glad to hear that you're both safe and well. We've been having a rough time with storms blowing in from the Atlantic here in the UK too. Roll on spring! Have a great weekend!

  15.'re the 2nd blog I've read this morning about the damaging winds and what the storms all cost with people's surrounding and their livelihoods.

    You are indeed living right and I am so very happy you report to us that Roger is better.

  16. You can never go wrong with a grateful heart. I am glad our Lord's blessings have been upon you this week!

  17. I too am very thankful, for Roger's health and our friendship across the miles.

  18. I like the Psalm too.
    Great sky picture.
    I am new to reading your blog and just read about Roger.
    Glad he is feeling better and I will add him to my prayers too.

  19. Darkness is as light to God. I love that Psalm too

  20. God loves a grateful heart. So glad that all is well and safe with you and love ones.

  21. i always get nervous about the weather reports ... they keep saying tornados ... look so crazy scary. i can not imagine living in areas that have those very often. wild times!!

  22. Hi, We are thankful also that we didn't get any severe weather from that storm. There were tornadoes in TN along with high winds, hail, damage, etc... We were thankful that all we got was lots of RAIN....

    Today---another front and storms are going through here. So far, not much here.


  23. Continued prayers for Roger. I know it is stressful. Thanks for linking up today.

  24. Beautiful picture of storm sky. I'm happy that Roger feels better. All the best for you both.


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