
Monday, April 24, 2017

She likes to watch TV

My daughter informed me that my grand-dog, Delta, likes to watch TV.  I asked did she have a preference, and she said she likes animals.

She also likes the horses and gunfire on Westerns...and she really pays attention if a woman screams.


  1. Good grief! A T.V. loving dog! I really like her entertainment center!!

  2. Wow! Delta knows how to enjoy watching TV!

  3. So cute Rose. Very handsome dog.

  4. our dogs, all four of them have never paid any attention at all to the TV.. not even barking or howling dogs. but I have seen dogs on FB and on blogs like yours today that do watch it. yours looks like he is enjoying that western

  5. Our Boxer watches TV off and on all day long. He sits in front of one of the recliners..actually he LEANS on it and watches for long stretches of time. I asked Terry if he thinks Tyson thinks he is looking out a window. Our other dog looks at it when something catches his attention, but nothing like Tyson.
    xx, Carol

  6. These are the cutest pictures! I love Delta!

  7. Oh that is so cute! Delta is a prett dog.

  8. It's funny how animals like watching certain things on television. Delta looks very intent on watching the programs.

  9. Your grand dog is a throw back with those of us who grew up watching westerns. :-)

  10. This is so cute, and it's easy to see that she is really interested. She is a beautiful dog!

  11. Too cute. What a great dog! Mine just curls up on the sofa and goes to sleep.


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