
Monday, May 8, 2017

Rambling in my thoughts....

Sometimes I think I almost have a tendency to least as far as books.  On my kindle.  My kindle needed to update and I had to remove several books from it for it to have room to do the update. I ended up removing more than I needed to, but I still have close to a thousand books on it.  And yes, some of the above, I also have in kindle format.  I liked them so much I wanted them on my kindle, too.

I get two or three newsletters with books that are free, or some that cost very little.  I have over 1500 books, but I still look at those newsletters every day, and if  a book sounds good I get it.  I even buy a few books here and there.  And I also get kindle books from the library.  And I have ab

My childhood friend/sister-in-law and I often talk about how wonderful it would have been to have access to all the books we have now.  Oh, how we loved to read and just didn't have very many books. I read everything in our house, and some of them several times.  Oh, and I have close to a thousand books on my wish list at Amazon!

I am almost embarrassed to admit this, but there was a time when I read a lot of the Harlequin romance books...when I was young...I have no idea where the first ones came from.  All I know is we had a stash of them...and we heard of this place up near Pineville, Kentucky that had used books.  They had boxes and boxes and boxes of them.  It was like opening treasure chests full of gold and silver.  Only they were worth more than that to us.

We could take books and trade them 2 for 1.  And I think to buy them was 2 for $1 or maybe it was 3 for $1...I know they were a lot cheaper than going to buy them  new.  So every once in a while we would go up there and trade books, plus maybe buy a very few....and I think every now and then we found something besides the Harlequins!

Anyway, I think the lack of books makes me grab all I can now...but maybe I would be like this anyway.  All I can say is if you ever ask me what I am reading and I say nothing, you will know that something is seriously wrong.  I feel naked if I don't have a book that I am reading.  I will finish one book and cannot rest till I choose my next one.


  1. When I was a young mom, I read a book a day for several years. But along came the computer...As a teenager, I read all the Victorian romances and the Gothic novels. All the same. Young governess in a huge house runs out on the moors at night in a storm, wearing her nightgown.

  2. I always enjoyed reading as a child; not as much as an adult - maybe I have trouble concentrating! lol I see you have a lot of books about Alaska.

  3. It seems to me that you probably would have a zillion books even if you were privy to zillion books a a youngster. I have been reading since forever and yet still love books---well love to have them. One of my daughters collect and trade each other. All my daughters are readers. Sometimes I go without reading and then I just cant stay away from them. addicting!!! Never did read the Harlequinns much although I have read some. I think to me they were all the same just the names and location was changed. . enough

  4. I like to read but not collect the books except the books my online friend wrote. Now I'm reading Johnny The Trail And Trials by Jack Darnell. In the 50's I had a cardboard box full of comic books that we called funny books. We would trade one for one at times with friends. I think Brenda Starr was my favorite.

  5. i have a few in my collection, what happened a while back i decided to give a bunch away ... 'cause i figured i wanted other folks to enjoy. i think you have set in your mind that what needs to happen. so i give them to a charity ... and i set it in my mind that they will go to a family or person who needs them more than i do. they will read them and enjoy them more than i do ... but it has to be something you wish to do ... if you wish to enjoy them ... then you do that. my MIL started cleaning up at her house and it is a world of difference ... thankful cause i don't wanna clean it up in the end. but then some times she has the tendencies to give them to us ... i don't wish for junk ... that is not meant to sound not nice ... but i have my own junk. you know? have fun reading. ( ;

  6. ...I envy people who are readers.

  7. I am just like you Rose! I grew up in a family of readers and still read any chance I get. I usually have a few books on the go at once.
    The shelf of books in your photo look very interesting!
    Have a good day.

  8. if I am not reading I am at deaths door or already dead. we lived 3 miles outside Pineville KY for 4 years, I went to 4 through 7th grade there. are you close to there now? or when you were a kid? I keep about 25 books on my kindle so if the wifi or power goes out I have books to read. they are always on line at Amazon so I don't store on kindle. I have thousands on Amazon cloud.. can read when I want to. when I buy books I read them, then delete. library read and delete. I read Tarzan and the City of gold about 20 times when we lived in KY, no access to books and I read them over and over. all gifts were books...

  9. I had lots of books but my passion was old magazines most were post World War 11. Had boxes of them. After we retired my husband
    said I will not move these boxes ever again.The books went too,now
    I only kept a few Magazines and a small book case of very old books I reread. My books now come from Amazon on my Kindle or Nook
    from Barnes & Noble.

  10. I am much the same. I always have a book, or two or three/four, going on!

  11. As a teenager, I read very Victoria Holt I could get my hands on.
    I have never read another romance since then!
    (Unless I am forced to, by one of my girlfriends!)

  12. And I forgot to say, I usually have two or THREE books going at the same time! I MUST have books!

  13. I never read Harlequins, but I did like Gothic novels some little bit. When I was younger I loved to read James Michner, Jeffery Archer and others from the best sellers list. I miss those authors. I still read Dean Koontz and some others. I don't read as voraciously as I used to, but I know I will again. I used to hoard books too, but now I like to pass them on for someone else to enjoy or slip them in the library book return, or Better World Book drop box. Unless there is a reason for me to keep a book, such as Schindler's List, I feel it is better that someone else have the book to enjoy.
    xx, Carol

  14. Thanks for popping by my blog yesterday, Rose -- I appreciate your comment. And my, you are a TRUE bookworm! I was never a Harlequin fan myself but I had a friend growing up who would devour them the way you did!

  15. I too need to clear some of my books and pass them to whoever wants them.

  16. I always have a book at hand and 2-4 on the nightstand, but they are all borrowed from the library. We made a move about 14 years ago and after deciding not to pay to move all of our books, I came to love our local library. :-) Your youthful memories about Harlequin romance paper backs made me smile because I had the same experience. Fairy tales for the young at heart and lots of reading for a few bucks which I also spent at the used book store. The owner smoked these nasty smelling cigars, and the minute I opened the door, the smell spread outside. LOL I don't know how the books didn't smell like cigars, but they didn't thank heavens. :-) Thanks for the memories.

  17. Wow you have a lot of books on your Kindle. I've got several on mine but no where near your amount. Right now I'm waiting to get started on another book I downloaded this week. I deleted a couple I had because I just couldn't get past the amount of swearing in the stories. They were interesting story plots but foul language to me is just not necessary to make a story worth reading.

  18. You are very much a lady after my own heart. Our house is stuffed full of books, and I can never resist the lure of a bookshop with an "open" sign on the door.


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