
Saturday, June 24, 2017

A bit about blogging...

The view as I drove west this one was close to me and I just held my camera up and snapped.  Please click to expand the view.

So now a little bit about blogging...

It started out as way to share my photos and quilting.  And I still love it for that.

I did not realize how much I would get from it....a lot of days I learn some little fact that is totally new to me, or I see photos of new birds, or butterflies, and see views from other parts of the country, or other countries that I would never have seen if I had not been blogging.  Not to mention new ideas of how to do things.

There is friendship...I have phone numbers of friends that want me to feel free to call them any time I need to friend has invited us to come spend the night in with her and her husband several times.  We had promised ourselves to go down last fall when Lorelei got back in school.  Now they are in the midst of selling their home and I am not even sure how Roger would do on that trip that far anyway...they are probably about 4 hours from me, maybe a bit longer.

Then there is the power of prayer....I really felt like we were held up in prayer through all of this with Roger's stroke.  I did not feel like people said it just to be saying it...I felt like when they said they prayed for us they did.  Whether it was one prayer right then,  or some I know prayed for us every day.  Some more than once a day.

All this through blogging.


  1. It is wonderful, isn't it? And it is really too bad that so many bloggers have left to go to Facebook. Facebook is great, but just doesn't have the time or intimacy to make good friends, or to pour your heart out to people. I consider you a very good blog friend.

  2. Hi Rose, I am very thankful for our friendship thru blogging. You and Roger are in my prayers several times daily. I love this photo you have shared from your drive. Amazing to click and enlarge it. I also love seeing your quilts and watching Lorelei grow. She is such a delightful child. Hope you have a good weekend.

  3. Yes, I agree that it is comforting to have friends from many places who care and share and pray. I have appreciated your photos, posts and friendship.

  4. I agree 100 percent and the friendship and prayers have held me up with my ordeal with bob over the past 3 weeks. love you Rose

  5. another thing, the first 3 comments on this post are all dear friends to me just like you are

  6. The prayers of other bloggers have lifted our family more times than I can say. It is an amazing thing. blessings ~ tanna

  7. I feel like you are all family, for we share our life with words and photo's. Some I have blogged with for years. Their children have grown
    up and we still want to know how they are and pray for them.
    Most are fellow Christ believing and Good citizens. Others drop off
    or we do after a while. You and Roger are still on my prayer list.
    Hugs to you both

  8. Oh, you are so right. Let me tell you that those thoughts and prayers are sincere. Sometimes I look at Terry and think about his health..sometimes at that moment you and Roger come to mind and I think I hope Roger is having a good day too. That, in my mind is a prayer. For me, I have lost connection with people since I retired. My blog friends keep me connected to ....everywhere. Their posts give me pause to think. They give me support and inspiration. I like the connections I have with bloggers that seems so much more personal than FB friends.

    I look forward to the pics you share and the comments your blog friends leave.
    xx, Carol

  9. Lovely post, Rose. I too have learned so much from blogging and from friends like you throughout the world. Have a beautiful weekend!

  10. I totally agree with you. Blogging is a wonderful way to 'meet' people.I wanted only to show a few of my photos, but now it is a place to meet my friends, some whom I've known a long time, some new ones, but all are very special. Great post that speaks for many of us,I'm sure.

  11. There is truly a gifted community to blogging and friends. In those of us who need prayers or new ideas, or just sharing what our life today is like.

    And I consider you a good friend, tho we don't visit much I still know you by 'name'. If you know what I mean.

  12. Blogging is a wonderful thing and people who don't blog can't understand it. I am happy to be part of it all. I'm so glad we discovered each others blogs. 😊

  13. I agree, blogging is very rewarding in so many ways. I started out about 2000 on AOL Journals and still have some of those friends because we all transferred over to blogging when the journals folded. I'm happy I met you here.

  14. I agree about blogging Rose, it has opened up a whole new world for me and the lovely people I have met has been a joy. We are a warm, loving blogging family who really do care about each other. Sending love and a big hug.

  15. You are so right in what you say, Rose. Blogging is such a great way to reach out and connect with kindred souls across the world. So many of us, who'd never, normally have had the chance to meet get the chance to link up and share the joy - and sometimes the tears. It's a great community, and I too feel privileged to be part of it.

  16. We had no idea how blogging would change our world, did we?


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