
Saturday, July 1, 2017

A bit of this and that....

Tootie went home around noon...Roger and I ran to Walmart for two or three things.  It rained.  Hard.  For just a couple or three minutes.  Then it stopped for a while.  Later in the afternoon, it poured down again.  There was thunder, but I seen no lightning.

Do you ever see stuff on Youtube that is not meant to be funny, but tickles your funny bone?  I watch a lot of videos on sewing/sewing machines, etc.  Lately I have run across how to make UN-paper towels.  My thought is, why not buy dishrags/dishtowels.  Whatever you want to call them.
Ashworth, Penel. Reservoir Cats: True Stories and Cat's Eye Views from Squirt  Penel Ashworth.
Another quote from the above set the scene, Squirt has just been neutered a day or two before and decides he is feeling better and has begun to examine his body:

Outrageous discovery!  Felt well enough to explore myself for damage - I have been robbed, my back pockets have been picked.

One does wonder what they think after going through that.

Leaving you with a bit of wisdom from Red Green:



  1. That is too funny about the cat book! lol
    I wonder if we will all have rain again today?

  2. He's always funny! Rick Green (a.k.a. Red Green) was given the Order of Canada yesterday, highest honour for a civilian, from the Governor General.

  3. Like the raindrops on the leaves.
    I hardly ever watch YouTube.

  4. Loved the "do I look old story" He is funny. I also am a utube watcher. I have learned to make so much from utube videos. Hugs, LJ

  5. I don't watch YouTube because I spend so much time with word games and such. Maybe I should try it and mop the kitchen some other day. lol

  6. I like Red Green. That was really cute! Hope you have a nice weekend and 4th of July

  7. Oh ROSE! Thank you, thank you. I have laughed till tears came out of my eyes!! Red Green is hilarious!!! And so is the snippet from the cat book, it made me howl with laughter! Is the entire book this cute and funny do you think? If so, I will have to buy it. Thanks for a GREAT Saturday! I wish there was some way I could jut save your whole post. Will you be doing fireworks with Lorelei?

  8. I love your raindrop photo.
    We've been having some unsettled weather there too.

  9. Great raindrops shot. Ha ha..I like the video. I must remind myself not to ask "Do I look old?" question!

  10. thanks for the early am laughter. I love the video and posted it to FB. and I agree on the buy towels. I use towels that can be washed and reused. paper towels are a waste of money. we have them but only for a napkin to wipe our mouths and one roll last several weeks.

  11. Google and Youtube are my go - to's I use them for everything! Im also a dishtowel kind of girl - I have paper towels but use them only when necessary. We are in summer full swing 90-100 temps, we could use some rain to help put out the fires around here. It's kinda a catch twenty two though cause our summer rains come with lightening which causes fires. Anyway have a great week!

  12. Dear Rose-
    Happy 4th of July week to you!
    The wisdom in the video is wisdom, all joking aside.
    Loved it and I also loved your close-up shot of the leaves - beautiful!
    Have a Happy Week!!
    Peace :)


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