
Monday, March 20, 2017

Waiting on warm weather...

I am still anxiously awaiting spring and dependable warm weather.  It is supposed to get up in the 60's today, but I am of the sort to believe it when I see it.

Last week it was the was cool in temps, but the wind just froze a person.  There were two or three evenings I just could not get warm.
Do you guys remember when women always had flowers, and usually each summer their porch had a bunch that were moved out of the house for the summer months. And the women were always willing to give you a start from theirs.  At one time I had a Swedish Ivy plant...that started from a leaf sprouted in water that a friend gave to me.

I have had the Wondering Jew plant at different times...always started from a piece given to me and stuck in water till roots appear, then planted.  My mom always had at least one pot and sometimes a couple.  She would hang it from a hook in the ceiling...and it would grow almost all the way to the floor.

At one time I had this plant...I do not know what it was called.  It was slick, shiny thick dark green leaves...and all along the edge of the leaves little baby plants would start.  If they dropped off into the soil, they would take root and grow.  I don't know recall for sure who gave it to me, but I think my mom's best friend...but I loved it and would love to know what it is called.  I am thinking Lorelei would find it fascinating.  I have googled but not seen one yet that looks quite like it.

In my yard now I have a big bed of creamy white irises that are a result of a neighbor giving me some of her bulbs at least 30 years ago.  The neighbor no longer lives there but every time my irises bloom I think of her. 

Do you have any flowers that were given to you as a start from friend?  And what are they/how long have you had them.